週休二日的實施與國人對於旅遊生活的重視,節慶活動漸漸成為提供民眾休閒娛樂的最佳去處;以古坑柳丁節為例,如何讓遊客能每年前往遊覽成為承辦單位及農民們須重視的一大課題。因此本研究嘗試以整合行銷傳播、旅遊體驗及旅遊意象等三變數預測與解釋遊客的重遊意願。研究中將以赴古坑柳丁節遊覽的遊客為研究對象(N=546),利用結構方程模型探討遊客對古坑柳丁節之整合行銷傳播模式與旅遊體驗及旅遊意象對於重遊意願間的因果關係。研究結果顯示,當遊客對於古坑柳丁節的整合行銷傳播模式感受程度越高相對對於旅遊體驗及重遊意願也越高。此外,研究中也整合行銷傳播模式並不會正向影響旅遊意象。另外,亦發現旅遊體驗對於旅遊意象及重遊意願有正向影響,而旅遊意象同時也會影響重遊意願。此研究結果可提供管理者參考,當欲以行銷柳丁的方式,吸引遊客前往柳丁節的同時,宜加強整合行銷傳播模式中廣告、公關、銷售促進、人員銷售及事件行銷對於遊客在古坑柳丁節的印象。 This study will examine the integration of marketing communications,tourism and travel experience of images and revisit the relationship between the will. The study will be to go to aisle orange section of tourists visit the study (N = 546). The results showed that, when a tourist festival for the locals feel oranges feeling of Integrated Marketing Communication mode is relatively higher the level of experience and to revisit for tourism will be increased. In addition, the study also Integrated Marketing Communication mode and will not be positive effects on tourism image. In addition, also found that tourism experience for the tourist image, and to revisit will have positive effects, while at the same time will also affect the tourist image of the will to revisit. The results of this study can provide managers refer to when trying to use marketing oranges the way to attract visitors to the orange section at the same time, desirable to enhance the Integrated Marketing Communication mode for the tourists in the GuKeng orange sections impression.