資訊應用系統的成敗與系統實際使用者的評價息息相關,因此,資訊系統的開發過程需要隨時瞭解使用者對系統的感受,以做為系統發展與修正的依據。在電腦上機授課的教學活動中,就上課師生而言,學生電子檔作業的繳交、管理與應用是一項重複且煩瑣的工作,若能有一套專屬的資訊系統,對於教學活動的進行應有一定程度的助益。本研究是根據系統具體目標,實際開發出一套專供授課教師及學生使用之隨堂考核資訊系統,系統主要功能是依據一般電腦課程的授課內容,大致將隨堂考核的方式分為教師指定隨堂電子檔作業及教師指定線上測驗兩種方式來進行。研究的對象是原先沒有使用此一系統的老師及學生,當系統平台開發完成順利運作後,運用科技接受模式對使用此系統的學生以線上問卷調查的方式進行量化研究,藉以瞭解系統的建置是否符合預期效益及系統未來發展與改進的方向。以TAM研究的結果顯示,此系統的持續使用意願主要是能夠讓使用者感受到其『有用性』,易用性則是幾乎不相關而是透過有用性間接地影響持續使用意願。此外,使用環境支援對易用性有正向影響,分享性對有用性也有正向影響。然而敘述性統計顯示易用性受到同學們的高度認同,顯示此系統的操作介面已達到簡易且有親和力。 An information system is developed for managing the various records of students taking computer-practice classes. In order to realize the user's response to the developed system, TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) is used to evaluate its performance as well as user's satisfaction and intention to use. Five constructs (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Perceived share, Environmental support, Behavior intention to use) are designed for sample survey. Our results show that the most important factor to continued use of an information system is Perceived Usefulness. Perceived ease of use can also indirectly impact on keeping user's Behavior intention to use through Perceived Usefulness. Both of them can explain 40.6% of variance. In addition, environmental support has positive effects on Perceived ease of use, and Perceived share has positive effects on Perceived Usefulness.