巴爾幹半島地區的種族衝突是存在歐洲已久的問題。原因在於科索沃與塞爾維亞很明顯地在對於文化與歷史的認知上有著極大的差異,塞爾維亞總統米洛賽維奇為了防止科索沃從南斯拉夫聯邦獨立出去,進而對科索沃進行武力鎮壓,結果招致國際社會的關切與干預。在2008年2月17日科索沃正式脫離塞爾維亞宣布獨立之後,讓整個巴爾幹半島更顯得動亂。 本文既探討世界大國對於科索沃獨立事件的立場與態度是為何?再透過科索沃獨立事件中,來觀察美俄之間的政治角力。 The ethnic conflicts in the Balkan Peninsula region have been existence in Europe for a long time. In February 17, 2008 Kosovo formally declared independence from Serbia, so that more unrest in the Balkans as a whole. But Serbia and Kosovo is clearer in the cultural and historical knowledge have great differences. The president of Serbia in order to prevent the independence of Kosovo from Yugoslavia out of Kosovo to carry out armed suppression, lead to the results of the international community's concern and intervention. This article is to explore the world's major powers' position and attitude for the independence of Kosovo, through the incident that Kosovo's independence to observe the political arena to the United States and Russia.