我國近年來一連串針對法學教育及其學制改革的討論,自二○○五年當時總統府人權諮詢委員會成立的「法律人養成興革制度」專案小組在十二月九日決議,要停止法律系的招生發展專業法律學院開始勃發。然而這許多希望改制為專業法律學院的倡議,包括二○○七年四月由陳明真等立法委員提出的「高等考試法官檢察官律師考試條例草案」亦同時引起眾多爭議與反對。 在日本與韓國參考美國法學教育制度作為改革依據的同時,由於國情與法學教育發展過程和美國俱不相同而出現許多問題尚待解決,因此進行改革之同時應從我國的法學教育目的為核心著手思量適合我國的法學教育制度,非僅參考單一的制度設計即可收全效。本文即在此一脈絡下透過介紹英國法學教育制度以及英國法學教育改革的過程,比較我國的法學教育現況與改革之各面相,期能提供不同的角度來思考台灣當前法學教育與未來改革。 There have been numerous heated discussions on legal education reform in Taiwan since December 9, 2005, when a special committee, called the Legal Person Edifying Institutional Reform, resolved on ceasing the recruitment of undergraduate law students and focusing on the development of professional law schools, modeling the United States’ legal education system. Subsequent proposals to transition to a professional legal education system, such as the draft for Higher Examination of Judiciaries, Prosecutors and Attorneys in April 2007, fueled further debates. There are fundamental problems to follow solely the US legal education system in Taiwan. A Taiwan-suited legal education system should be based on our history, our culture and our purpose of legal education. Therefore, it is best to integrate components from various models of legal education that are appropriate for Taiwan. In my thesis, I hope to provide a novel perspective on Taiwan's legal education reform by introducing and comparing with the history of Britain legal education reform.