摘要: | 外籍英語教師在其文化所依附的優勢條件下,得以領取高額的鐘點費,然實際上是否真的具有高教學品質且透過仲介的運作機制後,實際上是否仍領取外界所想像的高鐘點費是本研究的重點。然而在仲介無法有效管理外籍教師與抽成利潤降低的情況下,造成外籍教師的被迫流動率,則是研究者在研究當初所未預想到的。 本研究試圖藉由與中籍英語教師所具優勢做比較,來探討為何由外師所發出的英語所具有的價值才會比較高?再者,從英語的重要性著手探討補教業者以及外籍教師仲介業者入行的原因與經營方式,並從補教業者以及外籍教師仲介業者尋找外籍教師的管道中分析外師品質優劣與外籍教師在台所遭遇的問題,加上透過探討我國英語教育政策轉變形成過程,本研究獲致以下的結論:一、外籍英語教師比起中籍英語教師在台灣的英語教學市場上具有得天獨厚的優勢。然而,外籍英語教師的英語能力原本僅是依附其文化下的優勢條件,當這種優勢條件在特殊的環境中被賦予價值後,外籍英語教師便理所當然地享有特殊待遇。也就是說,基於內化的社會共識底下,外籍英語教師的身分地位與特殊待遇是社會所賦予的。在英語文化霸權的運作下,社會大眾肯定英語的重要性與價值,因此,我們給予外籍教師的高薪資,就變成是一種理所當然的結果。 然而透過仲介的運作機制後,外籍教師的高薪資似乎只是表象,透過仲介抽成的動作,外師實際上所領取到的薪資並非如外界所想像。 基於市場競爭、外師難尋與家長重視,只要在合理價格範圍之內,補習班通常會接受並願意付出較高鐘點費來聘用外師。外派式的外師每月上課基本時數100小時,每半年調薪一次,而仲介對外所收取的鐘點費為600-1000元不等,但是實際上支付給外師的鐘點費為600-800元不等,推估每位外師每小時抽成範圍約200元左右。其實際所領取的鐘點費視其教學能力與教學年資有所調整與差異,而且透過仲介抽成之後,實際上所領取到的薪資似乎不全然比中師來得高,有時甚至是沒有多大差異存在的。二、因為英語教育政策的轉變,業者並不因此擔心到補習班補習英語的學生人數減少,反倒使得兒童美語補教市場的需求更加強烈,以台灣三到十二歲約三百五十萬名的學童來說,每年至少有五、六百億的市場商機。三、外籍教師普遍存著旅遊、賺錢、賺取生活費與體驗不同文化的過客心態來台灣進行英語教學,在無法大量開放引進外師,造成外師來源不足的情況下,業者有時只能遷就外師。 「口音」成為業者對外師唯一的嚴格要求標準,至於國籍、學歷、人品與穩定性,似乎顯得不那麼重要。因此,如何改變外籍教師的教學心態與提升教學品質是不容忽視的重要課題。而改變外籍教師的教學心態與提升教學品質如何使其可能,將是業者與外師本身必須共同去面對與思考的難題。四、聘用外籍教師來補習班進行教學是業者招徠學生的噱頭。因為外師的外在條件:「白皮膚、藍眼睛、金頭髮」,代表了優越、高人一等,對於家長與學生在剛開始接觸的時候,確實較具吸引力、號召力與新鮮感。加上外國文化內涵呈現的部分確實是中師所無法傳遞與取代的,因此外師在文化傳承上所扮演的角色的確不可或缺。再者,美語教學市場的需求,如何藉由外師來營造一個自然的全語言學習環境是必須的,有鑑於此,在在證明了外師確實有其存在的必要性。五、仲介的經營模式分為買斷式與外派式。六、新進外師抽成利潤空間大,業者聘用的意願相對較高。因不斷調薪的緣故,待越久的外師,可讓仲介抽成的利潤相對變少,通常待到三年以上的,對業者而言已經到達所謂的「極限頂端」,加上老鳥管理困難,仲介也越沒有意願繼續聘用。七、補習班聘用外籍教師主要當為噱頭或門面。而文化差異與語言間的溝通障礙是造成業者與外師溝通互動不良的主要原因。然在聘用過程當中,業者皆認同中籍教師比外籍教師好。而中籍教師所俱備的優點分別為:有責任心、有耐心、教學認真、跟小朋友溝通互動比較好、跟家長的溝通聯繫比較好、各方面配合度高、能夠掌握小孩的心理、能夠留住小孩、協助單字文法矯正教學、用心備課、教師素質比較高。八、業者聘用外籍教師若以民族觀念為考量的話,以加拿大為主,因為他們的民族性比較柔和。而最吃苦耐勞的應該算南非,但是口音有問題。若以發音拼字為考量,則以ORIGINAL的NATIVE SPEAKER美國、加拿大以及英國為主。至於口音漂亮的美國外籍教師,其實是最難搞的。因為他的配合度低而且敬業精神比較差。九、補教業者的經營模式大致可分為兩種:自創品牌與加盟方式。十、藉由po網站、登報紙、仲介、透過外師介紹以及與同行共同聘用,是目前業者尋找外籍教師最普遍的做法。 Due to the predominance of the culture, foreign English teacher are able to receive high hourly pay. However, is their teaching quality actually high? Do they actually receive high hourly pay, as what the outsiders think, under the operation mechanism of agencies? These were the focuses of this study. Nevertheless, the ineffective management of agencies on foreign teachers and the reduced commissions resulted in the forced turnover rate of foreign teachers, which was not predicted in the beginning of this study. The predominance of foreign English teachers was compared with that of Chinese English teachers to investigate why English spoken by foreign teachers had higher value. In addition, in terms of the importance of English, the reasons why cram school owners and the agencies of foreign teachers started the business as well as the management methods were studied. Moreover, the channels which cram schools and the agencies of foreign teachers employed to seek for foreign teachers were researched to analyze the quality of foreign teachers and the problems they encountered in Taiwan. Combining with literature analysis and the investigation on the transforming process of the English educational policy in Taiwan, the following conclusions were obtained: 1.Comparing with Chinese English teachers, foreign English teachers possess exceptionally gifted predominance in the English teaching market in Taiwan. However, the English capability of foreign English teachers was only a predominant condition attached to their cultures. When this predominant condition is bestowed value in a particular environment, they enjoy special treatment as a matter of course. In other words, under the internalized common consensus of a society, the society bestows status and special treatment upon foreign English teachers. Under the operation of English cultural hegemony, the general public approves the importance and value of English. Therefore, foreign teachers are provided high wages spontaneously. Nevertheless, through the mechanism of agencies, the high wages of foreign teachers seem to be a false impression. After the commission for the agencies is deducted, the wages foreign teachers actually receive are not as high as the outsiders think. Since the market is competitive, foreign teachers are difficult to find, and parents place importance on it, cram schools are usually willing to pay higher hourly wages to hire foreign teachers. The basic teaching hours per month for dispatched foreign teachers are 100 hours, and the wages are adjusted every six months. Furthermore, the hourly pay that agencies charge cram schools ranges from NT$600 to NT$1000, but the hourly pay that they actually give foreign teachers ranges from NT$600 to NT$800. The hourly commission for each teacher is estimated to be NT$200. As a matter of fact, the hourly pay that each foreign teacher receives depends on the teaching capability and teaching seniority. After paying the commission, the wages they actually receive do not seem to be absolutely higher than those of Chinese teachers. Sometimes, they are even similar. 2.Since the policy of English education have been changed, English cram schools do not worry their students will reduce. Instead, the need of the market of children's English cram schools has increased. In terms of the 3.5 million school children between 3 and 12 years old in Taiwan, the business opportunities are worth at least 50 or 60 billions.3.However, foreign teachers come to Taiwan to teach English generally because they would like to travel, make money, earn living expenses, and experience different cultures. Since it is not allowed to introduce a great quantity of foreign teachers, the sources of foreign teachers are inadequate, and cram schools thus can only accommodate themselves to foreign teachers.Accent becomes the only strict standard of demand that cram schools have for foreign teachers. Nationality, education background, character, and stability do not seem to be so important. Hence, how to change the teaching attitude of foreign teachers and improve teaching quality becomes a crucial issue which should not be neglected. In addition, how to fulfill the aforementioned issue will be a difficulty that cram schools and foreign teachers have to jointly confront and think. 4.Hiring foreign teachers to teach English in the cram school is a trick for cram schools to recruit students. The external conditions of foreign teachers, namely white skin, blue eyes, and blond hair, indicate excellence and being better than other people, which are indeed more attractive and fresh to parents and students in the beginning. Furthermore, the representation of foreign cultures is indeed not replaceable by Chinese teachers. Consequently, the role that foreign teachers play in conveying cultures is indispensible. Moreover, in terms of the need of the market of English teaching, it is necessary to establish a natural whole-language learning environment through foreign teachers. All the aforementioned issues have proved that foreign teachers are necessary.5.The operation models of agencies include lump sum and dispatch.6.New coming foreign teachers has more space for commission, so agencies are more willing to hire them. Instead, the commission that agencies obtain from senior foreign teachers becomes relatively lower. Usually, the seniority of three years that a foreign teacher has reaches the so-called extreme edge for agencies, and senior foreign teachers are difficult to manage. Therefore, agencies are not willing to continue the employment and will ask them to find their own employers or teach in other cram schools.7.Cram schools hire foreign teachers for mainly being a trick or the appearance. In addition, cultural differences and communication obstacles between languages are the major factors in poor communication and interaction between cram schools and foreign teachers. In terms of employment, all of the cram schools considered that Chinese teachers were better than foreign teachers. The advantages that Chinese teachers had included being responsible and patient, teaching seriously, having better interaction with students, having better communication with parents, providing better support in every way, mastering the psychology of children better, being able to keep children, helping correct vocabulary and grammar, preparing lessons more attentively, and having higher quality. 8.Cram schools preferred hiring Canadian teachers if they valued the concept of race more since Canadians tended to be gentle. Moreover, teachers who could bear hardships and hard work the most tended to come from South Africa, but their accent could be a problem. If cram schools considered pronunciation and spelling more, they tended to hire original native speakers from U.S.A., Canada, and UK. However, American teachers with a beautiful accent were actually the most difficult to deal with since they tended to provide low support and be the least hard-working. 9.The management methods of cram schools could be generally divided into two types, respectively private brand and franchise.10.At the moment, the most common method for cram schools to seek for foreign teachers is to place advertisement on websites or newspapers, find them through agencies or the introduction of other foreign teachers, and hire them jointly with other cram schools. |