在台灣,宗教出版團體為達其以文化弘法的目的,大都有其本身所屬的出版組織。佛光山出版組織亦是如此,其所屬的出版組織眾多且完善,不同的出版組織出版不同類型的出版品,出版品之間亦有所區隔,其出版品種類相當多,包括圖書、CD、影視等,給信眾及對佛法有興趣者有不同的選擇。在景氣低迷、競爭激烈的出版市場中,佛光山出版組織仍能不斷的成長與茁壯,並且發展出自己的出版特色,他們是如何做到的?又其組織之運作為何?這是值得我們去研究探討的議題。 本研究採取個案研究設計,以佛光山出版組織為研究對象。對其進行各方面資料蒐集,包含相關書籍佛光山紀念特刊、年鑑、報紙、雜誌、期刊相關報導、網路資料等事實資料運用事實資料整理及對各組織負責人或高階行政主管進行深入化、全面化深度訪談法所蒐集之資料加以整理歸納,針對研究主題進行分析,進而得到研究主題的結論。 本研究結果建構出佛光山出版組織之經營模式,帶領佛光山出版組織成長與發展的政策是依據領導者星雲大師弘揚人間佛教的理念與信念而訂的,大師所擁有卓越的經營策略能力,策動了每個組織的成立,也主導了各組織出版品的類型及發展、出版取向,故在組織佈署方面,使每個組織均能發展出個別的出版特色,而組織、人力、資源、出版品間的互動與合作,更是提高營運綜效的一大動力。如此一個屹立不搖的佛光山經營模式,可提供給其他宗教團體出版運作上之參考,也給後續研究研究者一個研究探討方向。 In Taiwan, most religions groups have their publishing organizations for the purpose of the cultural promotion and Fo Gung Shan Monastery is included. In Fo Gung Shan, there are many different publishing organizations for the different publications such as books, CD and video and they are all well-organized. In facing the fierce competition and economic downturn, Fo Gung Shan can still outstand in the market and keep growing. So it has become an import issue of understanding how it does and how it operates? Case study was applied in Fo Gung Shan publishing organization and data were collected through commemoration publications, almanacs, newspapers, magazines and internet information. In-depth interviews of the administrative elite were also used to be collected and data mining for the analysis. This study constructed the business model of the publication organization of Fo Gung Shan. The development and growth was resulted from the outstanding leader Master Hsing Yun, whose belief and excellent strategy guided the formation and development of all publications. On organizational deployment, all publication organizations in Fo Gung Shan can create their own characteristics due to the excellent interaction among organizations, human resources and publications. Such a successful business model would provide other religious groups an example of the publishing enterprise and that is also a further study direction in the future.