前國內對女性創業的研究多著重於個人特質、績效表現、創業歷程為主,與外部環境有關的因素探討較少,在新創事業的創業資源方面亦尚未發現。因此,研究文化事業中的女性創業者對創業資源需求,及與哪些因素有關等便成了重要且有意義的議題。 本研究在研究設計上,採取量化與質化並行之方式。量化研究部分是為獲得實證資料,得以經由統計分析、驗證假設,確認各變數間是否存有差異關係;質化研究則是為了進一步探究問題之意涵,藉由深度訪談對研究主題及現象獲得更深入的了解,期望使整個研究結果更為完整。 在研究結果方面,本研究提出四種「文化事業型態」,以及三種「女性創業家型態」。驗證不同的人口背景、文化事業型態、女性創業家特質,與創業資源需求間之差異關係,其中又以文化事業型態與創業資源需求的關係最強。 最後,基於研究發現提出後續研究的建議,以及要在文化事業創業之女性實務上之建議。 This paper aims to theoretically contribute and practically suggest on entrepreneurships, female entrepreneurs, and cultural industry. Researchers of female entrepreneur often emphasize personality, work performances, and entrepreneurial history. But less attention is paid to business environment, especially to the business resources of start-ups. Therefore, analyzing the types of resource needed in the founding stages and what affect such demand in the cultural business can be a first attempt. Qualitative and quantitative methods are combined in this research. Ideal types of four “cultural business” and three “female entrepreneurs” are proposed after analyzing entrepreneur personalities, business environment, and entrepreneurial resources. Hypotheses are statistically tested on data collected by questionnaires. And several in-depth interviews are conducted to capture the meaningfulness and subjectivity. The researchers conclude that the types of “cultural business” account for the most significant difference in business resource needed by female entrepreneurs. By answering a question that bridges three theoretical concerns, a new direction for entrepreneur study is explored.