本研究旨在分析原住民族電視台中原住民新聞之來源分布、報導方向、題材偏向以及所呈現的原住民形象。研究目的做為一般大眾認識原民台及原民台新聞團隊檢視自我之參考依據。 本研究之母群體為2008年7月1日至2008年12月31日之原民台「晚間新聞」,採系統抽樣擬訂46天之日期,由研究者依據表定日期進行新聞影像之側錄,並自原民台網站下載新聞稿輔助,共抽取543則新聞,進行內容分析。 本研究採用內容分析法,研究工具(類目編碼表)部分類目由研究者自編,經專家效度檢定後使用,部分類目採用王嵩音教授(1998)之原住民形象量表。編碼結果以次數分配及各類目之間的交叉分析進行資料處理。 主要研究結果如下:一、原民台新聞報導重視部落在地的聲音,關心原住民全體性事務。 二、原民台新聞報導展現原住民主體性。 三、原民台新聞取材偏愛文化、經濟、行政、災難、國會之議題。 四、原民台新聞報導力圖扭轉原住民形象。 五、原民台新聞報導重視大族群、菁英階級以及男性社群的發言權與詮釋權。 六、提出原民台新聞報導尚待改進之處。 This study aims to analysis for News of Indigenous in the Taiwan Indigenous TV regarding origin, direction, subject and Indigenous image. The objective of this study is for general people knowing about Taiwan Indigenous TV and also this can be the references of self-examination to the team of Taiwan Indigenous TV. The populations of this study are evening news in the Taiwan Indigenous TV from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 total draws up 46 days. The data collection was made by the researchers who adopts Systematic sampling and content analysis with side-record of 543 newsreels according to the date list and download news release from the website of Taiwan Indigenous TV.The methodologies of this study are using content analysis, Coding Sheets, category, jury validity. After examination, parts of category adopt Indigenous image scale made by Songin Wang in 1998. Data processing were by frequency and Crosstabs. The main findings in this study are as follows:1. The News of Indigenous in Taiwan Indigenous TV are value on the local voices, consider with whole matters of aborigine. 2. The News of Indigenous in Taiwan Indigenous TV unroll the character of democratic rights. 3. The News of Indigenous in Taiwan Indigenous TV favor issues are obtaining materials from culture, economical, administration, catastrophe and committee member of legislate. 4. The News of Indigenous in Taiwan Indigenous TV endeavor to transform the Indigenous image. 5. The News of Indigenous in Taiwan Indigenous TV think highly with majority of populations, elite classes, and the power of speech and interpretation of male. 6. Offer some recommendations to improve The News of Indigenous in Taiwan Indigenous TV.