本研究旨在探討台灣圖書發行商經營成功的主要關鍵因素,瞭解在當前因市場環境變化快速,如何影響圖書發行商經營成功模式的改變。在服務構面與管理構面有哪些可搭配的要素?出版端與通路端的看法為何?發行商本身應該注重什麼部分?而這些議題都將於文章中探討研究,此研究的目的可作為圖書發行商在整體經營或管理層面的參考依據。 本研究採用問卷調查法,並以自編的『圖書發行商經營成功關鍵因素問卷』做為資料收集的工具,回答問卷的母體群為出版體系的專家,分別來自出版端、發行端、通路端及有經驗的專家。根據這些業界專家填答問卷的結果,以A.H.P.層級分析法進行資料處理分析。主要研究的發現有以下:1.圖書發行商經營成功關鍵因素:專家們一致認為就27個子構面中,圖書發行商經營成功關鍵因素最重要的5項排名依序為「各部門間資訊流通」、「充分的教育訓練」、「業務人員專業度及服務態度好」、「財務管理」、「發行公司的財務狀況良好」。2.圖書發行商針對下游通路端的經營應該注重加強哪些部分:通路專家認為,「業務人員專業度及服務態度好」、「充分的教育訓練」、「各部門間資訊流通」、「提供資料溝通上下游提升競爭力」、「發行公司的財務狀況良好」、「出貨的精準度高」、「公司有很強的活動力」、「電腦化管理」、「設計分銷通路」、「財務管理」這些項目,為圖書發行商經營成功的關鍵因素,也是發行商對通路商的經營應該注重的事項。3.出版端該如何選擇合適的發行商,它的取決標準為何:出版端專家認為,「各部門間資訊流通」、「財務管理」、「增加商品的曝光度」、「充分的教育訓練」、「業務人員專業度及服務態度好」、「設計分銷的通路」、「公司有很強的活動力」、「發行公司的財務狀況良好」、「電腦化管理」、「健全的人事制度」這些項目,為圖書發行商經營成功的關鍵因素,也就是說出版端認為經營成功的發行商這些是要做到的,也相對是出版社選擇發行商的一個重要準則。 This research focuses on the key success factors of the book distributor’s business in Taiwan.There are few important and essential points that are discussed and mentioned in this research paper. First, the mandatory factors of retail services and the management administration. Second, the perspectives that the publishers and distributors have in different ways. Last, the spirit and duties that a book distributor should have pay attention with. The purpose of this research is to advance the general management of the book distributors in Taiwan and provide marketing data for further considerations and improvement. This analysis of key success factors of book distributor’s business is based on the questionnaires filled out by the professionals from publishing industries. The interviewees from current publishers, distributors, retailers include the retired experts who helped to collect the data contributed great effort in this paper. The numbers were analyzed by the A.H.P method.The key conclusions from this paper are as below: The top 5 factors of successful book distributor management from 27 equations are: 1) Excellent communication within all departments of the company. 2) Systemized and adequate training. 3) The service quality and the sales’ professions. 4) Finance management. 5) Corporation capital. The professionals also provided suggestions on how to run a successful book distributor business with the retailers. 1) The service quality and the sales’ professions. 2) Systemized and adequate training. 3) Excellent communication within all departments of the company. 4) Provide competitve marketing information for both publishers and retailers. 5) Strong and healthy financial background. 6) Accurate delivery service. Fast response on market, computerized management, and marketing strategies were also mentioned. Last but not least, creativities in mind. The definitions of a successful book distributor are given from many different of views. The above points were all taken into considerations when a publisher chooses a distributing partner. Finally, a healthy personnel system in a book distributor’s company and displays in its retailers also add points to be becoming a successful book distributor.