本研究旨在瞭解注意力訓練方案對提升國小一年級學童選擇性、分離性和持續性注意力的成效。採「不等組前後測實驗設計」對兩班國小一年級63位學童進行。將兩班學童分為實驗組和控制組,實驗組進行每週40分鐘共八週的注意力訓練方案實驗,控制組則進行一般學習活動。研究工具為「多向度注意力測驗」和國語數學月考成績,以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行資料考驗。此外,以「教室分心行為觀察紀錄表」、「教學活動省思札記」、「學生自我檢核表」、「專心遊戲學習單」、「學生回饋表」和「教師訪談大綱」等資料,輔助探討實驗的效果。 本研究的主要發現如下:一、注意力訓練方案對增進實驗組學生的選擇性注意力未達顯著效果。二、注意力訓練方案對增進實驗組學生的分離性注意力未達顯著效果。三、注意力訓練方案對增進實驗組學生的持續性注意力達顯著效果。四、注意力訓練方案對增進實驗組學生的學業成就未達顯著效果。五、實驗組學生及導師對於注意力訓練方案能增進學生的注意力,皆持正向的回饋。 研究者根據研究結果提出建議,供家長、學校輔導工作及未來研究之參考。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of attention training program on selective attention, divided attention and sustained attention of the first grade students. This study adopts the non-equivalent group pre-test/post-test design of quasi-experimental designs, with the one class as the subject of study, in addition to a class of control group as reference. The experimental group was treated with 8 sessions of attention training program, 40 minutes a session and once a week. The control group participated in the generally sessions. The instruments for measuring the effects were “Multi-dimensional Attention Test” and the students’ scores of Mandarin and math Mid-term and Final. The data was analyzed through one-way covariance analysis. Furthermore, there are such qualitative data such as the researcher's observation and teach self-reflection journal, the students’ course feedback questionnaire, interview with teacher ,etc. These data are used to probe into the improvement of students’attention. The findings of this study are listed as follows:1. The effects of attention training program on improving selective attention of experimental group students were showed no significant exhibition.2.The effects of attention training program on improving divided attention of experimental group students were showed no significant exhibition.3.The effects of attention training program on improving sustained attention of experimental group students were showed significant exhibition.4. The effects of attention training program on improving academic achievement of experimental group students were showed no significant exhibition.5. The experimental group students and their teachers had positive feedback about the effects of attention training program on improving students’ attention. Based on the finding of this study, several suggestions are provided for parents, school guidance and further research.