本研究主要了解大學生的死亡焦慮情緒性叫色作業(Stroop color-naming Task),旨在探討「紙筆式自陳量表」與「死亡焦慮叫色作業」效果之間的關係,希望能使受試者避免在意識上產生防衛機制,了解大學生死亡焦慮的真分數。研究方法採一對一問卷調查法,以自行翻譯之Revised Death Anxiety Scale(RDAS)量表及與蔡明昌編制之「死亡焦慮叫色作業」效果為工具,正式樣本以自願的大學日間部學生為樣本,共106名大學生的填答資料進行分析討論後,研究結果如下:一、大學生在紙筆式死亡焦慮測驗上確實存在著死亡焦慮。二、死亡焦慮叫色作業量表可測驗出大學生的死亡焦慮。三、大學生背景變項與死亡焦慮沒有差異。四、大學生宗教信仰與死亡焦慮沒有差異。五、「紙筆式死亡焦慮測驗」與「死亡焦慮叫色作業」沒有顯著相關。 This study intended explore the death anxiety of college students on emotional Stroop color-naming Task. The purpose is to seek the relations between the effects of paper-and-pencil self-report and death anxiety Stroop color-naming Task. Hope to avoid the subjects having the defense mechanism in their consciousness. Explore the college students truly score on death anxiety. One-by-one a questionnaire survey method was conducted, using voluntarily sampling, 106 college students completed both RDAS scale and death anxiety Stroop color-naming Task scale. Results of the research are as follows:1. The college students on paper-and-pencil self-report death anxiety has to be truly death anxiety.2. The death anxiety Stroop color-naming Task could to examine death anxiety on college students.3. The effect of college students’ background variables on death anxiety wasn’t significant.4. The effect of college students’ religious belief on death anxiety wasn’t significant.5. The effect of paper-and-pencil self-report and death anxiety Stroop color-naming Task wasn’t significant.