隨著社會形態的改變和民眾的需求,警察在社會所扮演的角色和功能,也產生些許的改變,如以服務為導向的工作理念取代舊時代的管理制度,以品質為型導向的工作態度代替傳統數量管理,並且成為當今警政工作改變的主流方向。 本研究採用SPSS及AMOS統計視窗軟體作為統計分析之工具,針對樣本資料使用之研究方法如:項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析與事後多重比較、差異性分析、結構方程等方法進行分析。研究結果顯示:1. 警察人員人格特質與專業能力有顯著之影響。2. 警察人員人格特質對工作態度有顯著之影響。3. 警察人員專業能力對工作態度有顯著之影響。4. 警察人員的專業能力有著中介效果,人格特質會透過專業能力對工作態度產生綜效。5. 警察人員不同的個人變項對人格特性、專業能力與工作態度部分有顯著之差異。 With the transformation of the social state and the populace demand,the police role and function have a little changes in the society,like the serviceoriented work idea had in place of the obsolete management system and the quality-oriented work attitude replaced the traditional quantitative management,those become the mainstream direction of the police's policy transformation nowadays. The study has adopted SPSS and AMOS for windows as the tool for statistical analysis.For sampling data use research method for example,itiem analysis,factor analysis,reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis,single factor variant analysis(One-Way ANOVA),structural equation modeling (SEM) and so on.The major conclusions of this study are as follows:1.The police's personality traits and Professional ability have obvious influence.2.The police's personality traits have obvious influence to the work attitude.3.The police's Professional ability have obvious influence to the work attitude.4.The police's Professional ability has its intermediary effect the personality traits bring comprehensive effect by way of Professional ability.5.The police's different personally variable have a part of notable difference to the personality traits,Professional ability and work attitude.