2009年全世界的經濟環境,因美國華爾街股票市場衍生之金融風暴,各行各業在未能有預期的情況之下,皆面臨了適者生存的淘汰理論,汽車銷售業也無法置身事外,美國的三大整車廠通用汽車(General Motors)、福特(Ford)和克萊斯勒(Chrysler),更是史無前例的遭逢集體聲請破產的處境。對於全球汽車零組件的供應商來說,何嘗不是倍感壓力。 國內汽車零組件廠商對北美車廠的依賴是不爭的事實,今年以來的景氣蕭條,也嚴重的威脅到廠商的生存,但可喜的是,在全世界汽車零組件降價的壓力下,只要國內廠商不斷增進開發能力、維護產品品質良率,以及管理良好的交期達成率,相信會有屬於自己的一片天空。 本研究以整車廠之衛星廠Tier1公司(第一階供應商),利用新產品開發時的先期產品品質規劃(APQP)資料,以此對其供應商(第二階)從開發初期評估、計劃與定義、產品設計與發展、製程設計與發展與產品與製程確認各階段,進行嚴謹產品品質管制流程,直到順利的移轉量產,這段期間對其供應商所要求的資料審查,都關係到雙方面能否雙贏的管理手段。研究結果發現,表單資料在執行時有多層面需考量,不應該同時實行,應可選擇由變更性較快的先著手實施,而複雜性較高的則是可以挑選特定的客戶開發案件或特定產品來進行,可同時兼顧品質與成本的控制。 Due to the financial meltdown in the U.S stock market, the global economy has plummeted drastically since 2009, which inevitably affected various professions’ survival. “The Big three” car manufacturers of the U.S- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, had filed for bankrupt simultaneously. The suppliers of auto parts manufacturers worldwide have faced a difficult time. It is undisputed that Taiwanese auto parts suppliers rely greatly on North American car markers and that this global recession has predictably affected the entire supply chain. Nevertheless, under the trend of cost reduction, domestic auto parts suppliers have to keep the rule of thumb of constantly improving technology development, and maintaining product quality and delivery. The Taiwanese suppliers will eventually get through this recession. This research model is inspired by interactions between Tier 1 and 2 suppliers during the APQP process.By the use of APQP documents, Tier 1 suppliers perform a series of assessments on Tier 2 suppliers.From the initial assessment, planning and definition, products design, manufacturing process design to the actual transfer to mass production. During this crucial period of time, presenting the requested documents and reviewing the documents equally demonstrate both parties’ ability of achieving a win-win situation and thus validate the effectiveness of the existing management tools. The result of the study points out that, during the documentation reviewing process it is recommended to start with ones that are easier to modify as many factors needs to be taken into consideration and complex ones could treated specifically for both quality assurance and cost control.