近視在台灣的盛行率甚高,學童罹患近視每年平均以100 度(-1.0屈光度)的速率增加。本研究之目的為評估視力復健訓練,對近視兒童視力健康維護的效果。本研究採用整合神經鏈語言學、能量醫學和貝茲視力療法的視力訓練,針對11 位7 至16 歲學童進行視力訓練,並加上居家自行操練30天,於前及後期進行正常及散瞳後視光檢驗,比較訓練前及後之視力變化。結果發現經過視力訓練後,近視度數無統計上顯著的改變(p>0.3),散瞳後驗光度數(p>0.4),裸視6 米視力表清晰度顯著改善(雙眼p=0.040)。散瞳後矯正遠距6 米視力表視力清晰度顯著改善(雙眼p<0.001)。罹患近視兒童,學習視力訓練法,再經日常練習一個月後,近視的度數並未改變,但視覺、視力的清晰度,則顯著提升。 The prevalence of myopia is high in Taiwan. The mean refractive status of school children are progressively decreasing at a rate of 100 degrees (-1.0 diopter) annually in Taiwan. The present study used visual rehabilitation training to evaluate visual health in children with myopia. Eleven school children aged at 7 to 16 years were enrolled in the study with training involving an integration of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, energy medicine, and Bates Method and 30 days of home-based visual exercises. After the training program, no significant diopter change in both eyes (p>0.4) (p>0.5) (with and without cycloplegia) were observed. However, both two-eye (without cycloplegia) (p=0.040) and corrected two-eye (cyclopledgia) (p<0.001) 6-meter visual acuity eye chart test results were significantly improved after the training. In conclusion, children with myopia may gain significant improvement with visual acuity under no significant diopter changes by the end of a 30-day natural vision training exercise.