宗教自由的發展潮流,帶動了台灣宗教發展朝市場化的方向進行。其中宗教的市場化所代表的意涵是宗教團體的活動是以信徒導向的基調為原則來進行規劃。宗教供給者為了迎合宗教需求及社會的期許,必須盡其可能的發揮宗教行銷,創造更多可能吸引潛在信徒的宗教產品及傳播管道。 以宗教電視台為核心運作的宗教團體,就屬於明顯有朝宗教行銷努力經營的代表。但在宗教團體採行這些行銷的想法與方式時,也同時會迫使宗教供給者反過來向世俗社會的知識體系與經驗學習。其中可採行的運作方式,大致可分為兩種模式:一者是延攬相關專業知識的在家人才來協助管理,而宗教人士僅站在監督的立場,這是團體領導者與經營者二分的運作模式;一者則是由專業宗教人士自行學習相關領域知識,主導宗教行銷工作的進行,這則是團體領導者與經營者二者合一的整合型運作模式。 佛教電視台—佛衛電視慈悲台與生命電視台其分別代表了這兩種經營運作模式的個案,本論文將針對這兩個宗教團體進行調查研究,透過瞭解其成立背景、經營理念、管理者的學思背景以及電視台的使命及方向,依所建構的宗教行銷理論進行兩家電視台的經營運作,比較兩家相同屬性不同經營理念的電視台團體,在行銷上的優勢及限制,企求提供相關宗教團體往後經營上的建議。 Unlimited development of religions leads religions in Taiwan going forward to be market-oriented, which means that the activities hold by the religion groups are planned for those believers. In order to meet the religious needs and the expectations of society, these "religion suppliers" must do everything they could to marketing their religion, to create more products and medias and to attract more potential followers. The fact that those religion groups are active on television channels clearly symbolizes their hard working on religion marketing. Neverhteless, when such groups adopt these marketing ideas and methods, they are also pushed to learn the knowledge and experiences from secular people. There are mainly two models of management: one is recruiting experts to assist on managing, and the religious people only stay to be supervisors; and the other is that religious people learn the related knowledge by themselves and develop the marketing stategy. The former represents the mode that religious group leader and executor are independent, and the latter is the mode that group leader and executor are the same. Two Buddhist TV channels, Budhha Compassion TV and Life TV, represent the two models respectively. Two religious groups would be reviewed with respect to establishing background and managing methods, in order to understand and discuss the operators' background and the mission and prospect of the TV channels. By comparing the advantages/disadvantages related to the religion marketing of these two groups, the thesis aimes to provide reflections on the management of religious TV channels.