自九O年代開始,公益善行的風潮席捲全球,全球許多企業家紛紛加入行列。也突顯了許多全球性企業偏好運用自身成立的非政府組織,實踐其社會責任的途徑越來越受到重視的現象。「比爾與梅琳達•蓋茲基金會(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)」幾乎是目前全球公認擁有最多資金的基金會,也是全球目前捐出最多公益善款的基金會;甚而言之,該基金會也是企業運用自身成立基金會實踐社會責任的最佳典範之ㄧ,因此,本研究及以該基金會為例,針對以下主題進行探討與研究: 一、透過對比爾與梅琳達•蓋茲基金會對於全球公民社會付出過程與方向的了解,洞悉當今全球公民社會的重大議題。 二、探討蓋茲基金會的運作過程,探知其對全球公民社會所遭遇到的各個待解決的議題,所實際做出的重大貢獻為何,及其運作的方式為何。 三、藉由對該基金會全面理解與研究的實質結果,對相關企業自行成立之基金會,提出如何實踐企業社會責任之建言。 Philanthropy has overwhelmed the whole world since the 1990s’; many entrepreneurs all over the world have participated the benevolent activity. It has demonstrated that some global enterprises prefer to utilize their self-established NGOs, and start to put more emphasis on the execution of social responsibilities. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, features the most capital recognized by the whole world, donates the highest amount of funds for philanthropic uses. Furthermore, the Gates Foundation can be considered as one of the best paradigms of the enterprise self-established foundations to carry out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Therefore, this thesis uses the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as the study case to discuss and study the following issues: 1. Exploring important issues of the contemporary global civil society through understanding the process and direction of efforts toward the global civil society by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 2. Discussing the operation process of the Gates Foundation to find out the solutions for solving the problems encountered by the global civil society. What are the actual contributions they have made? And how it operates? 3. Providing suggestions on how to carry out Corporate Social Responsibility for the relevant enterprise self-established foundations through solid results of the overall understanding and studying of the foundation.