民間救難團體受限於訓練時,以及徵得之人才良莠不齊之故,常使人才訓練成果無法延續累積。因此,內政部欲藉由認證方式來輔導民間救難團體獲取較為專業與高素質的救難技能與知識。 為了解民間救難團體所屬志願工作者現況、後續推動認證的適切性,以及民間救難團體人力資源管理的實務作為,本研究以台中縣所屬民間救難團體為研究對象,瞭解相關志願工作者在工作價值觀、工作滿意與工作績效的現況,並進一步探討個人屬性、工作價值觀、工作滿意與工作績效各構面的差異,以了解工作價值觀、工作滿意與工作績效間的相關性。 總體而言,本研究驗證了民間救難團體所屬志願工作者在工作價值觀、工作滿意及工作績效等三個變數間的相互關係。同時,工作價值觀各構面重視程度愈高者,其工作滿意和工作績效也愈高。由前述研究發現,據以規劃民間救難團體的經營管理策略,應不失為可行且有效益的方向。 The civilian rescue organization is normally not able to obtain well-trained new recruits due to the limits of training time and quality of recruited personnel. Ministry of the Interior has been trying to recruit more professional and high quality volunteers by the management of the certificates. The thesis aims to study whether there are different levels of job values, job satisfaction, and job performance between the civilian rescue organizations in Taichung County, and try to explore the correlations among the three variables mentioned. We conclude that, volunteers’ job values have influence on their job satisfaction and job performance significantly. The more they respect their job values, the more their job satisfaction, and job performance will be. This research would suggest that management strategy to the civilian rescue organization could be considered as a feasible program to the authority.