中寮鄉特殊地形恰似平躺的「真空」雙啤酒瓶(甕地),雙瓶(北中寮、南中寮)由東向西擺置,因此由瓶口進入中寮也得從原路離開,中寮是一個「真空」地帶,是故緊臨台灣西部走廊的中寮鄉亦為偏遠貧飢落後地區。 921大地震,中寮鄉首當其衝,以受災害之比率為全國各鄉鎮之冠,重建工作首先成立「災區重建基金」,因此豐沛重建基金及物資源源不絕進入中寮鄉,政府、民間各團體協助重建擬訂「災區重建綱要計畫」1: 一、生活安頓:對於鄉民完整、漸進的「生活安頓計畫」,以銜接重建。二.產業轉型:921地震衝擊而引起中寮鄉傳統產業變化,朝向農業、生態、地方特色之產業為主軸,並以休閒觀光產業為主要手段。三、環境復育,重生自然環境的生機:四、基本產業在地化,形成自給自足的生活服務體系:五、開創永續產業基礎,創造自主、自足、共生、永續發展之社區的團隊精神:六、設計能結合生活智慧與產業創意的運作機制:七、結合民間活力,強化地方自治: 綜合各界注入關懷、協助,政府整合及龐大重建基金,於是中寮鄉各村落、紛紛成立社區產業化,以期以自力更生手段尋找就業、農特產品直銷、自然生態教學與觀光,災後計有和興有機文化村、溪底遙學習農場、中寮鄉雅石文化協會、阿姆染布店、中寮鄉龍眼林福利學會等成立。各社區產業數年來居民有著實質共識、慘澹經營,品質自我要求不斷的提升,加強網際網路行銷,但各有消長,研究者身居中寮,因此深入研究各社區產業化之本質及其變化,以期提供改進參考。 The township of Chungliao has a special terrain just like twin bottles (Pot Land). You have to enter and exit from Chungliao through the same route. It makes Chungliao adjacent to Taiwan west passage a remote, infertile and undeveloped region. When the great earthquake 921 happened, Chungliao bore the first brunt and took on the largest hit proportion among all towns and villages islandwide. Our government plunged great materials and manpower into the hardest reconstruction to establish the “Reconstruction Fund for Disaster Area”. The Brief Reconstruction Scheme for Disaster Area will be outlined as follows: 1.Permanent Settlement: establishing a complete “Life Settlement Plan” for a linkage to reconstruction in advance. 2.Industry Transformation: seize the incident as an opportunity to go for the industry transformation that can convert “Consumptive Tourism” into “Lessons to Make a Living”. 3.Environmental restoration for vitalizing the nature. 4.Localization of fundamental industries for the establishment of self-sufficient daily life system: 5.To build up a stronghold for perpetual industries and fulfill the spirit of teamwork between community and family:6.To design an operational mechanism to unify life wisdom and industry creativity7.To link up civil strength to reinforce district autonomy All villages of Chungliao consecutively set up community industries to get jobs on their own by directly selling their farm products, teaching and touring natural ecology. After the earthquake, it has been estimated there are Ho-Sing Organic Village, Xi-Di-Yao Farm, Chungliao Ya-Shi Stone Art Association, Y-Mu Plant Dyeing Shop, and Chungliao Longan Trees Welfare Association. Chungliao inhabitants have been carrying on the community industries for years, doing their best to maintain poor business, and they have come to a common view that they must persist in upgrading product quality and strengthening the internet marketing.