本研究係採用深度訪談、問卷調查等方式,來分析行政院海岸巡防署心輔志工管理模式研究,主要研究發現如下:一、召募:召募來源有三,分別為現(離)職單位同仁、心理諮商輔導專業從事人員及民間退休社會人士。二、訓練:心輔志工經單位遴選和面試後,須經運用單位基礎訓練及特殊訓練課程,訓練期滿合格後,發給結業證書、志願服務證及志願服務紀錄冊。三、任用:心輔志工經基礎及特殊訓練合格後,依海巡署所頒志願服務計畫納入所屬單位管制運用,如心輔志工有違反法紀規定或是不服從輔導員之情況,由運用單位依權責將不適用人員陳報海巡署。四、督導:由地區局定期至各運用單位實施考核與驗證心輔志工個人服務及團隊之服務績效,並適時指導心輔志工工作目標與方向。五、評鑑:運用單位以心輔志工服務時數來作為績效評鑑標準,經評鑑服務達規定時數,由運用單位陳核主官辦理獎勵;另經評鑑表現優異或有特殊績效者,納入海巡署年度工作檢討會辦理公開表揚獎勵。 This study investigates the management method of psychological counseling volunteers at Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan through in-depth interviews, detailed surveys and other means. Major findings are listed below:1. Recruitment: Volunteer applications mainly come from three main groups of people. They are current and former employees at CGA, psychological counseling professionals, and retired civilians.2. Training: After passing selection and interview processes, psychological counseling volunteers are required to take basic and specialized training classes. Upon passing final examinations, volunteers will receive professional certificates, volunteer ID, and service record book.3. Appointment: Having completed the required classes, volunteers will be stationed at different posts according to the plans instituted by CGA. Volunteers displaying inappropriate behaviors such as violation of law and disobeying supervisors, subject to be reviewed by post authority, can be reported to CGA.4. Assessment: Local authority will regularly send investigators to posts to gauge the performance of volunteer as an individual and as a team member. Guidance to volunteers' career path will also be provided.5. Evaluation: Reviews on volunteers are based on total hours devoted. Awards will be given to those whose total hours meet the required threshold. In addition, those with extraordinary records will be reviewed by task committee for public recognition.