摘要: | 藝術之所以對人們生活極為重要,乃因為藝術可豐富生活、創造生命的更高層次。在民主政治發展的刺激下,台灣的表演藝術有多元化的發展。然而面臨經濟不景氣情況,表演藝術團體不能全面仰賴政府補助機制,也必須自尋出路,開創生機。 由財團法人紙風車文教基金會於2006年9月啟動的「First Mile, kid's smile∼319鄉村兒童藝術工程」巡演計畫,自推動以來創下單一場次演出數項最高記錄,包括募款金額、捐款人數、觀眾人數、場次紀錄、合作對象等,究竟它如何成功推動?這樣的舉措是否開創表演團體的新契機,堪為典範? 經研究發現,李永豐與紙風車劇團繼承了小劇場的冒險精神,面對惡劣的環境愈挫愈勇,透過財團法人紙風車文教基金會發起該計畫,因為知道政府補助資源有限,決心由民間自動自發完成這個夢想。藉由認同「讓台灣每個孩子都能看到兒童劇的演出」這個活動理念,響應捐款贊助演出。 該巡演計畫之所以順利推動乃建立在該組織所擁有的魅力型領導人、良好人脈關係、專業演職員、豐富的創作內容、組織經營理念等核心資源之上,並在其團隊經營管理、活動行銷公關、資源建立運作等方面創造優勢條件,加上多角化的經營手法及品牌、觀眾的口碑等等,俱為其長期累積的經營實力,恐非其他表演團體能夠學習模仿得來,屬特例事件。 然其他團體仍能從該計畫執行中發現民眾仍然支持表演藝術,對於公益善行,民間潛藏龐大的動員力量,因此仍應善加發揮組織各自獨特的性質,取得觀眾支持者的信任,累積組織資源,經營組織實力。 The importance of Art comes from its ability to enrich life and carry life onto a higher level. Catalyzed by the political development toward democracy, Taiwan has experienced diversified advances in Performing Arts. Although facing economic recession on a global scale, performing arts community shall not rely solely on government support. To ensure its continuation, it is crucial for the community to find its own way of survival. The tour project, "First Mile, Kid's Smile-Arts for Children in 319 Townships", carried out by Paper Windmill Foundation since September 2006 has broken many records including donation amount, the number of donation contributors, the number of audience, the number of showings, and the number of collaboration partners. How exactly did it manage success? Has this project set an example for the performing arts community as a pioneering work? Research has found that Mr. Lee Yung-feng and Paper Windmill Theatre have inherited the adventurous nature of experimental theatres which fight harder in severe situations. While knowing the support from the government will be limited, Mr. Lee decided to move forward with the support from the general public. By recognition with the concept of allowing every child in Taiwan being able to see the performance in theater for children, people have responded by making donations. The success of this tour project was contributed by several core qualities like the charisma of its leader, well-managed connections, professional work by staff and crew, abundant creative materials, and its organized structure. On the management of the team, public relations, and resources, the project was able to gain advantageous position. Nevertheless, the project's diversification development, brand awareness and audience's word-of-mouth were cumulated over the years since the birth of the Company, which may prove to be difficult for other groups to replicate. Other performing groups may still find in light of this project that the general public is strongly supportive of performing arts as well as the fact that people are willing to act upon the call of benevolence. Therefore, utilizing unique qualities of individual groups and gaining trust from the audience are two important guideposts for increasing resources and building up strength. |