摘要: | 中興新村,一個有著豐富歷史脈絡的城鎮,隨著省政府的疏遷而建村,掛著全台灣第一座新市鎮的美名。村內有完善的公共設施、大片的綠地,甚至在民國四十六年建村初期,已經有沖水馬桶、電線地下化與良好排水系統這些進步的建設,眷舍與道路的規劃仿照西方花園城市的架構建設而成,直至今日,中興新村仍然是被票選為台灣最適合人居住的地方。但由於時代的變遷,加上精省與九二一地震的雪上加霜,人口外移嚴重,中興新村昔日的繁榮景象已不在,而這塊淨土,也成為地方與中央眾機關爭取規劃權和使用權的場域。 本研究以居民的角度出發,利用深度訪談與觀察紀錄,去體驗人與空間的互動,以及人對空間的情感記憶。以生活環境博物館的理念作為研究基礎,以當地居民的生活經驗為主體,以情境再造、生活方式的展演及配合人與空間場域本身蘊含的意義的對話,透過觀光客親身體驗與參與,將生活模式,情感記憶傳遞出來。 本研究將深入了解中興新村再發展計畫,探討中興新村整體發展之構想方案,並以居民認為印象深刻的空間場域與情感記憶,作為活化、再利用與保存之重點。以居民對居住環境的獨特記憶為基礎,提出建議提案之構想,劃定居民深厚情感的保留區,作為日後再發展計劃的規劃方針。 Chung-Hsin New Village, a small town beholding abundant historical context, was built due to the relocation of the provincial government. It had the title of the first “New Town” in Taiwan. Within the village, there are faultless public facilities, a large piece of green lawns. The village even installed flush toilets, underground cables and well-constructed drainage system early in 1957, during the time the village was first developed. The arrangement of the houses and roads were based on the structure of garden city in the West. Till today, Chung-Hsin New Village is still voted as the place most suitable for living in Taiwan. However, due to the change of times, plus the abolishment of the province and the damage of the September 21st earthquake, the population of Chun-Hsin New Village has been seriously moving out. The prosperous sight has vanished. This place has turned into the arena for the local government and the central government’s power struggle. In this research, the researcher starts from the point of view of the villagers. With condensed investigations, interviews, observations and records, this research aims to undergo the interaction between human beings and the space, and to capture the feelings and memories. The research bases on the ideal of eco- museums. The main subject is the villagers’ living experiences. Through the recreation of the original circumstances, the display of living ways and the conversation between the villagers and the meaning in the space, the tourists can experience themselves and participate in, and the original living mode and memories are thus expressed. The research will deeply discuss the redevelopment plan of the Chun-Hsin New Village, and the explorations the project of the whole-aspect development of Chun-Hsin New Village. The unique space arena and memories of the villagers will be the focus of the revival, reuse and the conservation. The inhabitants’ special memory of their living environment will be the basis to provide a developing project. A conservation area will be saved, waiting for future redevelopment projects. |