摘要: | 「地方文化館計劃」是台灣地區近年來重要的文化政策之一,接受過文建會補助的文化館有259 館,遍及全國各鄉鎮,館舍主題包含史蹟、產業、藝術、人物、表演等具多元特色,對各縣市、鄉鎮的文化空間操作上產生重要影響。地方文化館在籌建、營運的過程中,建構出何種地方意義?再現出何種的地方文化?地方居民又是如何看待文化館呢?此為本研究的主要動機。苗栗縣的苑裡藺草文化館是經由農會提供閒置穀倉所改建,透過農會系統的經營模式,經營成果豐碩,目前已經可以做到小有盈餘,故特別以此個案為例深入探討。 本研究的目的有二:(一)透過文獻探討地方文化館與的社區營造之間的意涵。(二)藉由文獻得知的概念架構探討藺草文化館在現代社會中所具有文化意義與社區意涵。 研究的方法為:歷史研究與資料分析,田野調查與深度訪談,再綜合整理出上述研究的結果發展出居民、觀眾、學生問卷,針對苑裡鎮山腳里、舊社里居民,到館參觀的觀眾,以及山腳國小高年級的學生實施問卷調查,以次數分配百分比進行統計分析。研究結論分為二部份:(一)地方文化館與的社區營造之間的意涵:地方文化館與社區總體營造均強調社區居民主體性意涵,是以地方的文化為基礎,主張「由下而上」的論述及參與,藉此凝聚社區共識,活化在地資源,在其精神意涵上不謀而合。(二)藺草文化館具有的文化意義與社區意涵:1.居民的文化自覺。2.保存藺草產業文化。3.活化社區生命力。4.推展生活工藝的助力。 最後分別對於藺草文化館、山腳社區發展協會,以及居民提出建議以供參考。 Recently, "Local cultural museum policy" is one of the relevant cultural policies in Taiwan. 259 cultural museums accept subvention that from the council for culture affairs, have been scattered across the Taiwan Island. Including the themes of historical relics, business, art, people and performance, the museums have a significant impact on the cultural space of townships. The primary motivation of this study is to understand, during the process of operation and establishment, how the museums construct local meanings, which kind of local culture will emerge, and what the opinions of the residents are. Old farmer's barn reconstructed as Yuan-Li Country Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall is managed successfully through the operation of Farmers' Association. Therefore, the principle of this research is to study the case of Yuan-Li Country Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall. This research aimed at (1) local cultural museum and community Renaissance through documents analysis, and (2) the culture and community meanings of Yuan-Li Country Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall in modern society. To achieve the aims mentioned above, the research adopt the means of historical study, document analysis, depth-interview and fieldwork, and we develop and implement the questionnaires of residents(living in Shanjiao and Jiushe Village in Yuan-Li Town), audiences(visiting the hall)and student(studying in Shanjiao Elementary School ). The survey data is then dealt and analyzed by frequency distribution and percentile.The study has come to the following conclusion.1. Emphasizing the local subjectivity on a basis of local culture, the cultural museums and community development enhance community consensus and revitalize landscape resources through "Bottom-up" discourse and participation.2. The culture and community meanings of Yuan-Li Country Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall:(1)Residents' awareness of local cultures.(2)Conservation of rush industry culture.(3)Revitalization of Community Development.(4)Promotion of living handicraft. According to the results of this study, the researcher tries to make some suggestions for Yuan-Li Country Triangle Rush Exhibition Hall, Shanjiao Development Association and the residents. |