摘要: | 歷史街區具有歷史、文化、美學、產業等豐富多樣的人文特色,是國家的重要文化資產。在世界上大多數已開發或開發中國家,歷史街區多已被視為重要的文化景觀與歷史資產。濫觴於1980年代的國內歷史街區保存觀念,隨著臺灣地區的古蹟保存運動,在近二十年來的推動上已積累了不少的成果,從以往偏重於獨立的單棟建築保存觀念,現今已逐漸轉為從區域文化及地區發展等整體系統性的內涵、價值與詮釋等多重角度來考量與探討。 本論文以雲林縣北港的中山老街作為主題,從社區發展、文化資產、產業內涵等角度,探討地方政府與民間如何進行及看待歷史街區的保存、規劃與執行等相關議題。藉著分析歷史街區所內含的人文背景、區域特性、建築風格、產業內容等類項,從時代變遷的脈絡中,探討該區域所隱含的概念、價值、判斷及產業內容與經營方式的可能轉變與因應之道。 本研究兼採質性與量化,透過文獻分析、個案研究、街區民族誌、深度訪談與問卷調查等方式,試圖對北港中山老街的保存歷程、相關計劃與執行方式,從文化研究、藝術管理及新博物館學等角度來進行分析與探討,除了瞭解該地區人們對相關內容的想法與觀點之外,也希望能在此基礎上提出未來可能發展的願景與方向。 With abundant humanity natures, such as history, culture, aesthetics and industry, a historic district represents an important cultural property of a country. Historic distract is also a crucial cultural landscape and historical heritage for most of developed and developing countries. The beginning of the conservation of historic districts can be traced back in 80s. In these two decades, historic building conservation of Taiwan is more and more popular. The emphasis on the conservation of independent single buildings has changed into the evaluation and interpretation on cultural heritage connotation from the view of regional culture and development of the district. From the viewpoint of community development, cultural heritage and the meaning of local cultural industry, this research focuses on the main topic of Jhong-shan Old Street in Began to investigate how the local governments and private sectors plan and execute the historic districts. Moreover, we explore and assess the concept, value, judgment, industry and management from the rapid transition of era by analyzing the cultural background, the regional characteristics, architectural style and cultural industry. Applying quantitative and qualitative research, this study employs literature review, case study, historic-district ethnography, in-depth interview, and questionnaire. From the perspective of culture research, Art Management and new museology, we also analyze and discuss the conservation, plans and implementation of Jhong-shan Old Street in Began. The main purposes of this study are to explore the residents’ viewpoints towards the historic districts and to suggest the vision of development in the future. |