本論文的主要目的在於透過利害關係人理論的觀念檢視表演藝術補助機制在實務上運作的情形。本研究以衛武營的南方表演藝術發展計畫為個案,以機構型利害關係人(institutional stakeholders)為研究層級,從執行效能的觀點探討組織與利害關係人間的互動關係。 本研究涉及之相關利害關係人包含行政院文化建設委員會、南部七縣市地方文化行政單位、南部八縣市表演藝術團隊、南台灣表演藝術發展協會等。並採用質性的深度訪談進行研究問題的探索。研究結果發現,衛武營與利害關係人間彼此的的預期似乎存在著落差,雙方仍有部分預期與想像未能在本案之互動關係中被滿足。同時,組織與利害關係人之間的關係是動態的,在互動的過程中組織若未能及時回應利害關係人的需求,利害關係人可能會因此對組織喪失信心。因此,組織必須要持續關注各利害關係人的動向,深入理解利害關係人的需求並採取適當的策略,而非單方面的揣測。 The purpose of the study is to survey the stakeholder relationships around the Wei Wu Ying Center for the Arts (WWYCA hereinafter). The paper starts from a perspective of stakeholders and focus on one of the key missions of WWYCA. The research borrowed a strategic perspective of stakeholder concept to examine dynamic interactions between WWYCA and its institutional stakeholders. There is a finding that there are big differences between the expectations of the WWYCA and the stakeholders. Therefore, the institute needs to understand deeply the requirements of stakeholders and take a proper strategy to deal with stakeholders.The results show that there are dynamic relationships among the stakeholders. Therefore, it was necessary to pay attention to the tendencies of various stakeholders. The stakeholders had to be on the correct positions in order to prevent from turning into unsupportive stakeholders. On the other hand, the stakeholders would maintain the dynamic and long-term relationships by exchanging resources.