在全球化新移民浪潮中,透過國際婚姻仲介牽線進入臺灣社會的新移民女性已成為臺灣新興的族群,所衍生的種種新議題亦逐漸受到關注,這些議題不外乎語言、生活適應、照輔機制、子女教養、婚姻暴力等等質性探討。鮮少研究針對外籍配偶作全面性量化之研究,本研究突破語言障礙,將其問卷翻譯成多國語言深入探討外籍配偶的休閒議題。女性的休閒權力常會被各種社會文化傳統所侷限,更何況是這些居於弱勢的外籍配偶們。她們幸福嗎?這些外籍配偶的生活品質,正是多元文化的台灣必須省思的問題。 本研究旨在探討外籍配偶休閒阻礙、社會支持及幸福感之關係。首先依據文獻提出假設,其次採用問卷方式調查222位以婚姻模式進入臺灣社會的外籍配偶,運用結構方程模式驗證各變項間的關係。研究發現,(1)外籍配偶的休閒阻礙與幸福感呈低度顯著負相關;(2)社會支持則與幸福感呈高度顯著正相關。 外籍配偶休閒阻礙之降低需靠長時間之努力,短期之內需透過社會支持以提升其幸福感,期能提供相關機構參考。 Female immigrants are entering the Taiwanese society via the introduction of international matchmakers against the backdrop of immigration waves around the world. A raft of new issues surrounding these female newcomers to Taiwan is attracting more and more attention. These issues revolve around the qualitative analysis pertaining to the problems of language, adaptation to environment, guidance and assistance mechanism, children parenting and education, and domestic violence. Papers concerning the comprehensive quantitative study on foreign spouses are scarce. This paper overcomes the language barriers by translating the questionnaire into a multitude of languages in order to delve into the issues concerning the leisure of foreign spouses. Women’s rights to leisure are often constrained by social cultures and traditions, not to mention the rights of disadvantageous foreign spouses. Is there anyone who really knows whether they are happy or not? Their well-being and sorrow have become an important issue for introspection in multicultural Taiwan. This paper aims to explore the correlation among the leisure constraints, social support and sense of happiness of foreign spouses. A hypothesis is first presented based on the literature review, and thereafter a questionnaire survey was conducted on 222 foreign spouses who moved to Taiwan after marrying Taiwanese citizens. This paper applies a structural equation model to verify the correlation among variables, and reveals that: (1) there's a low significant negative correlation between the leisure constraints and the well-being of the foreign spouses at a low level; and (2) there's a highly significant positive correlation between the social support and the well-being of the foreign spouses. To mitigate the leisure constraints of foreign spouses require long-term endeavor. However, it is possible to enhance the well-being of the foreign spouses through social support in the short run. It is hoped that this paper may serve as a reference document for the relevant authorities and organizations.