隨著社會的進步與發展,已婚的在職女性面臨因角色間衝突而造成的工作、家庭雙重壓力日益趨重,特別是女性教師在面臨傳統家庭觀念與現實工作壓力下,工作和家庭的角色衝突所造成的壓力往往無法適當舒解,導致幸福感降低。基於此,本研究利用結構方程模型,期盼能確認中小學已婚女教師的角色間衝突和其幸福感間的因果關係,並進一步釐清休閒調適策略是否可緩衝角色間衝突對幸福感的負面影響力。 本研究對國中小已婚女教師利用滾雪球抽樣方式蒐集資料(N=456)並分析後,結果顯示:已婚女教師的角色間衝突對其幸福感具有負向直接的影響力,亦即當已婚女教師的角色間衝突越高時,其幸福感就越低。另外,研究中也證實了,休閒調適策略於角色間衝突與幸福感關係間的緩衝角色,也就是說當已婚女教師處在高角色間衝突的情形下,採用休閒調適策略越積極者,其角色間衝突對於幸福感的負面影響力將顯著低於休閒調適策略採用消極者。本研究結果可提供給教育當局及相關主管單位,解決已婚女教師面臨角色衝突時的改善方法,並宜積極鼓勵已婚女教師從事適當的休閒活動以促進家庭、工作與生活之幸福感。 Because of the change of society, economic construct of family, and tradition, both interrole conflict from work and family become a type of life-stressors which reduce the well-being of married female workers. The pernicious outcomes which brought by stress had be addressed and confirmed by primitive research. On the other hand, given the broad spectrum of leisure researchs, leisure coping strategy can be therapeutic and contribute to well-being. In this study, we examined the relationship between interrole conflict and well-being ,and the moderating influences of leisure coping strategy among a sample of married female teachers in elementary and junior high school (N=456). The results revealed that interrole conflict was negatively related to well-being. The findings further revealed that leisure coping strategy moderated the effect of interrole conflict on well-being.In other words,the higher interrole conflict they occupied, the positive influence of leisure coping strategy is more necessary for getting better well-being.