參與休閒活動是現代人紓解壓力的主要方式之一,然而隨著戶外遊憩人口的增加,遊憩區因擁擠、干擾或人為破壞等不當行為,導致遊憩者產生負面遊憩體驗。在過去有關休閒效益的研究中,甚少著力於探討遊憩知覺壓力(擁擠、干擾與不當行為)對遊憩者之休閒效益的影響;此外,當遊憩者面臨遊憩知覺壓力時所引發的調適行為,國內外學者雖已多所研究,然對調適行為在遊憩知覺壓力與休閒效益間究竟扮演何種角色卻無定論。本研究為能確實理解遊憩知覺壓力與休閒效益間的關係,並釐清調適行為於其間所扮演的角色,乃採用多群組結構方程模型加以驗證。研究結果顯示,遊憩者之知覺壓力顯著負面影響休閒效益;而調適行為可顯著調節遊憩知覺壓力對休閒效益的負面效果,亦即當遊憩者面臨高遊憩壓力時,積極調適者其休閒效益高於消極調適者。 Getting Engaged in leisure activities is one of the major ways for modern people to relieve stress; however, as the crowds go outdoors and swarm over the resorts, the depreciative behaviors such as jam, interference and man-made destruction have made a negative impression on the visitors. Few of the research on leisure benefits has been focused on investigating the influence of perceived recreation stress (the jam, interference and visitors' depreciative behaviors) on visitors' leisure benefits. Besides, while the visitors' coping behavior produced under perceived stress of recreation has been pervasively studied worldwide, no conclusion has been reached yet concerning the role of coping behavior in the relationship between perceived recreation stress and leisure benefits. In order to comprehend the relationship between perceived recreation stress and leisure benefits as well as clarify the role of coping behavior in their relationship, this study is conducted in the basis of multi-group structured equation modeling. The results of this study indicate that visitors' perceived recreation stress has an obviously negative influence on leisure benefits, while coping behavior can considerably decrease the negative effect of perceived recreation stress on leisure benefits. In other words, when visitors are subjected to high stress of recreation, those who positively adjust themselves will obtain more leisure benefits than those who can not.