近年來國內受金融海嘯及網路泡沫化的影響,緊隨著經濟衰退,導致飯店、旅館或民宿促銷活動或倒閉的現象時有所聞,可見,各種住宿型態選擇之間的競爭愈益激烈。 本研究主要是以科學園區從業人員為對象,以渡假生活型態及住宿利益區隔為區隔變項,來了解不同市場族群之住宿型態選擇行為,以提供各類型旅館業者在市場區隔及行銷管理的參考。採用問卷調查法,有效回收問卷為391 份。利用ONE-WAY ANOVA及迴歸分析,針對渡假生活型態、住宿利益區隔與住宿型態選擇之關係進行討論。研究構面(變數)採用:(1)渡假生活型態共萃取出五個因素構面:分別是「家庭旅遊」、「社交旅遊」、「紓壓旅遊」、「知性旅遊」與「體驗旅遊」。住宿利益區隔共萃取出兩個因素構面:分別是「品味取向」、「便利取向」。(2)科學園區不同渡假生活型態的從業人員對住宿型態選擇有顯著的影響。 (3)科學園區不同住宿利益區隔的從業人員對住宿型態選擇有顯著的影響。 研究發現如下:(1) 「紓壓旅遊型」的科學園區從業人員較易選擇住宿型態中的觀光旅館或渡假會館。 (2)「體驗旅遊型」的科學園區從業人員較易選擇休閒農場或一般旅館。(3) 「知性旅遊型」的科學園區從業人員較易選擇民宿。(4)「品味取向」的科學園區從業人員較易選擇觀光旅館及汽車旅館;「便利取向」的科學園區從業人員較易選擇渡假會館、休閒農場、一般旅館及民宿。 The purpose of this study is targeted at science park employees to vacation lifestyle and benefit segmentation as trace variables to understand the different ethnic groups of the accommodation market choice behavior patterns in order to provide all types of hotels in market segmentation and marketing management for reference. This study uses questionnaires as research method, to collect effective recovery for the 391 copies of the questionnaire. Using ONE-WAY ANOVA and regression analysis against the vacation lifestyle and benefit segmentation to trace the relationship between patterns of selection for discussion. Research dimensions (variables) used: (1) vacation lifestyle factors were extracted five dimensions: namely the "family travel", "social tourism", " relax pressure tourism", "intellectual tourism" and "experience tourism. " Accommodation benefits to trace the two factors were extracted dimensions: namely the "taste-oriented", "convenience-oriented." (2) Science-Based Industrial Park different practitioners resort lifestyle residential patterns have a significant impact. (3) Science-based Industrial Park to trace the different benefits of the employees stay on the accommodation type has a significant impact. The study found as follows: (1) "relax pressure tourism-type" employees in the science park easier to select type of accommodation in hotels or vacation Hall. (2) "Experience-based tourism" practitioners of the science park easier to select leisure farms or general hotel. (3) "intellectual tourist-type" of the science park employees Bed and breakfast selection easier. (4) "taste orientation" of the science park employees easier to select in hotels and motels. (5) "convenient orientation" of the science park employees more easily select resort center, leisure farms, hotels and Bed and breakfast in general.