本研究旨以嘉義地區國小教師為研究對象,藉由問卷調查的方式,以瞭解國小教師的個人理財觀與理財行為之間的關係。研究結果發現嘉義地區國小教師理財的投資與風險看法趨於正向,認同理財必須依照人生階段的不同訂定短、中、長期不同的理財目標;整體理財觀念對理財有基本且正面的認知,但對理財的興趣不高,不同背景對個人理財觀有顯著差異。在理財行為方面,最重視家庭開銷和投資生財累積財富的理財目標;在理財規劃上,則以風險管理計劃與儲蓄與借貸計畫為主;在選擇投資工具時,最主要考量投資風險,其次才是投資報酬率的高低,所以選擇的工具以銀行郵局存款、保險、基金等風險較低的投資工具為主。整體而言,個人的理財觀對於理財目標、規劃及投資工具的選擇等理財行為有顯著影響。 This paper aims to understand the relationship between personal investment perspective and investment behavior among elementary teachers in Chiayi County using questionnaire to collection their investment information. The empirical evidences indicate that there is a positive association between risk attitude and investment perspective among elementary teachers in Chiayi County, indicating that they design their goal of investment as short, medium, and long stage according to different life span. They show higher positive perspective to their overall investment viewpoint, but less for investment interest based on different investment background. Regarding investment behavior, the primary goal of investment is family expense and asset accumulation. As to financial planning, they are concerned about the planning on risk management and borrowing. The main consideration ofchoosing investment instruments is investment risk and return. Therefore, they select the instruments as saving account at post, insurance, and mutual fund.