摘要: | 自歐盟與東協的整合行動之後,國與國之間試圖合作以解決問題,區域主義開始漸漸茁壯。1977年至1980年孟加拉國前總統吉奧爾•拉赫曼(Ziaur Rahman)提出南亞區域合作協會(South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, SAARC)的構想並成立於1985年12月8日,至今已將阿富汗、孟加拉、不丹、印度、馬爾地夫、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡等八國訂為會員國,以及九個觀察員國-中國、伊朗、歐盟、日本、南韓、美國、澳大利亞、模里西斯以及緬甸。 本研究目的是透過波瓊•海特納(Björn Hettne)所分析的新舊區域主義來探討1985年南亞國家所建立南協,並以安全與經濟兩層面來探討南協的歷史、發展與前景。研究結果發現,印度由於南亞區域嚴重不對稱性而成為南亞區域強權,對建立南協一事採取被動姿態,不但干涉南亞其他國家內政或外交,也干涉南協政治或安全層面的發展。此外,雖然美國的反恐行動中,與阿富汗、印度與巴基斯坦同盟,但並未促進南協框架下安全層面的合作,因此南協實際上僅於社會與經濟層面有所發展,如南協優惠貿易協議(SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement, SAPTA)以及南亞自由貿易區(South Asia Free Trade Area)的實踐。 Since the integration of European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations, countries purpose to cooperate with each other, and the growth of regionalism is becoming more and more stronger. The former president of Bangladesh, Ziaur Rahman, proposed to have an idea for South Asian Association for Regional cooperation from 1977 to 1980, establishing on December 8th, 1985. Up to the present, there are eight members, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, and night observers, Australia, Japan, Mauritius, Myanmar/Burma, People’s Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Korea, , the United States of America and the European Union. The research aims reappraise the evolution and prospect of SAARC from security and economy by old regionalism and new regionalism, analyzing by Björn Hettne. After the analysis, it’s found that the painful asymmetry of South Asia led India becoming major power in the region, and India kept passive in establishing SAARC. India did interfere not only in the internal affairs of other countries of South Asia but also in the development of politics and security of SAARC. In addition, USA and its allies, including Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, fought for terrorism, but there’s no cooperation of security under the SAARC framework. Thus, SAARC works de facto only in society and economy sections, such as the accomplishment of SAARC Preferential trading Arrangement and South Asia Free Trade Area. |