本研究採用Giddens的時間地理學觀點來研究國小四年級學生的時空路徑並探究學生的日常生活空間及其停留點。Giddens認為由於時間地理學對於社會活動在時間、空間中調適面向的強調,同時提供一個機制,在時間和空間中連接了個體與社會。 本研究採用開放式的問卷填寫及深度訪談方式進行研究。研究步驟:先讓學生連續二週填寫時空紀錄表,並且逐日加以檢驗,以確定學生所寫時空路徑的真實性。其次,將學生二週的時空紀錄表轉化成表格資料,並繪製成時空路徑圖。然後,以學生的時空路徑圖為本,對學生進行深度訪談,並與級任教師進行會談,再將訪談結果轉成逐字稿進行分析。研究對象為台中縣國小四年級學生,研究樣本男生14位、女生18位,共計32位。 研究結果發現:一、四年級學生的時空路徑分為五大類,包括:1、家-學校-家:2、家-學校-安親班-家:3、家-學校-親戚家-家:4、家-學校-不確定地點-家:5、家-學校-家-補習班-家。二、上述五種時空路徑中以「家-學校-安親班-家」的時空路徑圖形所佔人數最多。除了家、學校以外,安親班是最多學生共同的停留點。三、學生時空路徑的主要建構者是媽媽。換言之,“來自權威的規定與限制”,決定了學生的時空路徑。四、學生放學後回到家的空間移動以客廳、臥室為主。以看電視、打電腦為主要休閒活動。 The paper applies Giddens opinion of time geography to study the time-space path of students of primary fourth grade and explore the daily life space and stop points of students. Giddens believes that time geography emphasizes the adjustment-orientated of social activities in time and space as well as provide a mechanism to connect individuals with society in time and space. The paper conducts the study with ways of the open questionnaire and depth interview. The steps are as following: firstly ask students to fill in the time-space card successively within two weeks and check them day by day to verify the authenticity of time-space path done by students; second, transforms their time-space records into form data and draw the time-space map; and at last on the basis of time-space path, make depth interviews with students and discuss it with form teachers and make analysis on the interviews transcript. The research objects are the students of fourth grade of the Taichung County primary School, the research samples are 14 males and 18 females, which total 32. Research findings: Ⅰ. Their time-space path is divided into five categories including 1, home-school-home; 2, home-school-day care and tutorial centers-home; 3, home-school-relative home-home; 4, home-school-uncertain place-home; and 5, home-school-home-supplementary class-home. Ⅱ. On the said five time-space paths, most of students pick up the path of home-school-day care and tutorial centers-home. In addition to home and school, day care and tutorial centers is the place where commonly stayed by most of students. Ⅲ. Students’ mama is the one who mainly establishes their time-space path. In another words, “the stipulation and limit came from the authority” decides the time-space path of students. Ⅳ. After students get home, their space is mainly limited to living room and bedroom, and their main leisure activities are to watch TV and use PC.