近年來由於電腦的普及率日漸提升,而其所搭配的Windows 系統是所有系統平臺中是最為普遍使用的作業系統,而Windows Registry 是建置在Windows系列的作業系統之中,它包含許多系統設定、應用程式及硬體資訊,所以大部分系統相關活動皆會存取到Windows Registry。 但是由於使用登錄編輯程式必須針對不同的登錄檔設定值進行手動操作,作相關的新增、修改及刪除設定值內容,有不方便之處。因此,本系統將微軟視窗作業系統之登錄檔整合成一個登錄檔應用系統,來達成具有自動設定登錄檔之功能,讓使用者在使用登錄檔時能更加容易,並於生活工作中皆能獲得有用的幫助。 而本研究是先行設計一個登錄檔應用系統,其成效評估則以PFG 公司之使用者為研究對象,探討影響登錄檔應用系統使用意願之因素。 本研究結果1. 在單因子變異數分析中,只有系統特性在使用網路年資上有顯著差異,研究發現使用者的網路年資越長,對於系統特性越顯著。2. 經統計分析在系統特性、軟硬體支援、認知有用性、認知易用性與使用意願等五個構面都具有顯著相關。3. 在路徑分析研究中發現,使用者在認知有用性與認知易用性越高時,則對系統的使用意願也越高,因此,若要提昇使用者的使用意願,除了系統介面要更加友善好操作之外,說明檔的內容更詳細豐富,最後,更要提供使用者有一個良好的教育訓練與支援,這樣使用者才有可能持續使用此資訊系統。 The popularity of computers is growing fast recently. Most of these computers are operated by Microsoft Window system, which is the most popular operation system in the world. The Window Registry file, embedded in Window series operation system, are utilized for storing the information of system modification, application program and hardware resource. Therefore, almost all of related system activities will be saved in Window Registry file. As using registry editor to add, modify and delete registry file value, these variety works inevitably have to be executed by manual step by step. So our designedsystem can integrate window OS registry file into an application form. In addition, it performs the modifying the registry file automatically. Therfore, users can utilize registry file more conveniently and work with their tasks more efficiently. This research has been conducted with implementing the designed application system in PFG corporation. Moreover, we evaluate the factors of influence and acceptance in registry file application system using Technology Acceptance Model. The results are quite encouraging.