於2003年經建會有關資管人力過剩、供過於求之報告,再加上 因2008年下半年全球經濟風暴,產業界景氣低迷,人力需求緊縮等變化因素,為了不要讓學子畢業就有失業之恐懼,如何讓資訊管理學士在畢業後,具足專業能力,在職場上有足夠之競爭力,為學校課程設計上重要之決策因素。並且在資管研究領域裡,探討台灣及美國企業資訊主管關心的前10大重要議題中,均包含了培育資訊人才的議題,足見到它受重視之程度。 產學一起互動,在培育資訊人才方面,資訊主管及就業市場提出專業能力之需求,作為學校課程設計之引導。政府也因應經濟風暴景氣低迷,為刺激就業市場,提出公部門實習及教育部與行政院勞工委員會共同合辦「教育部大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」,讓產、官、學在培育資訊人才有機會進行「 最後一哩 」的連結與合作,讓學子從符合產業界資訊人才專業能力需求之課程設計,就自己的生涯規劃選擇合適之修課內容。 本論文研究,從了解學校資訊管理學士課程設計現況,並收集產業界資訊管理需求人才之專業能力,探討學校課程設計是否符合產業職場現況需求。並由產業界職場現況需求的專業能力回溯到課程設計,觀察到它們的一致性,探討到課程設計培育的資管人,符合產業界資訊人才之需求。本研究以南華大學資訊管理學系為例,在研究結果顯示,學校課程設計和產業職場現況需求的方向大致相同,唯建議學校在OS平台教學,加強作業系統應用課程,以符合職場現況使用最多的MS. Windows 及Linux之需求,並且長期觀察產業之發展,以便適時的調整課程設計,讓它能維持高合適性。 Due to the reports concerned about the surplus of man power in information management in 2003 and the economic recession in the late of 2008 as well as the decreasing for the labor demand, the students who are going to graduate from school fear to become unemployment right after the graduation ceremony. It is vital for the students who get the information management degree possess the adequate proficiency. The competitive ability in the professional field plays a significant role in the design of curricular. The top ten agendas studying the information management in both Taiwan and U.S.A are composed of the issues related to develop the expertise for students with information management degree. Therefore, it illustrates the importance of this topic. The industrial field interacts with the scholars. In order nurture the experts in the information management, the information manager in the industrial business came up with the request for the proficiency and knowledge as the guide for the curricular design in the University. The government stimulates the job market in response to the global economic downturn. The temporary jobs offered by the government and private companies provide the opportunity to conduct the “Last Mile” combination for fresh man in the society. Based on the perception of the reality, the students can pick up the right courses which are contrived by the industrial demand to fit their career plan. In this thesis, it includes the thorough understanding the curricular design in the information management department as well as the capability required for the students with information management degree in order to explore whether the current the curricular design can meet the job market demand. Furthermore, the curricular design can be modified and have a feedback by the dynamic industrial market demand. The consistency and similarity for both of them can be observed. This study is based on the information management department in Nan-Hua University. The outcome in the study shows that the current courses match with the required capability in the job market. One thing can be improved is that the OS platform teaching can enhance the appliances to correspond with the most popular M.S. Windows and Linux. The long term observation is necessary to adjust the curricular simultaneously matching with the market need.