本研究以嘉義市長青綜合服務中心電腦班之外籍配偶為例,以13位外籍配偶為研究對象,透過質性的深度訪談進行資料收集,並以主題分析進行資料分析,試圖瞭解外籍配偶在來台知識學習內容與獲取方式,並探討影響外籍配偶知識獲取之因素。本研究目的如下:一、瞭解外籍配偶來台之後,學習知識的類型與方式;二、瞭解影響外籍配偶知識學習的因素;三、瞭解外籍配偶之生活適應上與知識學習之對應關係。 經訪談資料分析後,本研究發現結果如下:一、外籍配偶學習知識類型與學習方式的對應關係;二、影響外籍配偶學習的因素,分別為環境因素與個人因素兩大類因素;三、外籍配偶在適應階段分三個階段,各階段對應不同的知識類型與學習方式。 This study is aim in 13 foreign spouses, whom enter computer class in Evergreen Service Center at Chia-yi city. Use the qualitative interview collection the data, and with thematic analysis to data analysis.Try to find out the ways of foreign spouses learning and explore what factors influenced in foreign spouses factors to knowledge acquisition. The purpose of this study: 1. To know the foreign spouses in Taiwan, what kind of learning approaches and what type of methods. 2. To understand the influenced of foreign spouses knowledge factors. 3. To realize the foreign spouses relationship between life adjustment and Learning. After the interview and have data analysis, the results: 1. The relationship between the kinds of learning approaches and the type of methods. 2. Two factors- environmental factors & personal factors.3. The three steps of life adjustment each step corresponding different kinds of learning approaches and the type of methods.