自1997年起,台灣地區的自殺率已經連續10年名列我國十大死因,而自殺的比列,至今已高達每10萬人中約有20人之多。近年來,全球經濟衰退,公司企業紛紛面臨倒閉或大量裁員,失業率攀升,而失業人背後所承受的經濟壓力及所面臨的家庭社會問題,如離婚等乃有可能會直接或間接地導致自殺率的提升。因此,景氣衰退下,高失業率與高離婚率等經濟社會因素的變動,是否會提高自殺率,正是本研究所關切的議題。 過去文獻對於我國自殺之研究,多數以全國居民或台北市居民為主研究對象,忽略其他縣市各年齡層的詳細分析,因此,本研究將行政院衛生署所提供之死因檔,加以整理並釐清台灣地區23個縣市(不含金馬地區)20歲至65歲以上年齡層自殺率,再將台灣地區依失業率高低進行分組進行追蹤資料迴歸分析,探討過去20年間台灣地區中不同失業群組下各年齡層中經濟社會因素與自殺率之間的關係。 本研究發現不同於過去研究,高自殺率顯著集中於某些縣市某些年齡層,而失業率、離婚率的上升都與這些族群自殺率的升高有顯著關聯,因此本研究將進一步深入探討在這些特定年齡層的失業者狀況與自殺之關聯。藉此提供政府應多加留意台灣目前高自殺率現象背後的區域以及年齡特性,以加強自殺防治與社會福利。 In the past 20 years, the suicide has become one of the top ten causes of death in Taiwan since 1997. Taiwan’s suicide rate has risen to more than 20 persons per 100 thousand people. In recent years, with global economic recession, companies are forced to close business or lay off employees that make unemployment rate rise. In this paper, the relationship between the unemployment rate, social factors and the suicide rate will be the subject of concern. Most previous literatures researching the factors influencing suicide rate have concerned the situation of whole nationals or residents in the capital, Taipei. Those studies have neglected that the diversities of different areas and age groups may influence suicide too. For improving the understanding of the diversities of suicide, we clarify the original data provided by the Department of Health and class suicide rate of all age groups in 23 counties for the years 1987–2006. Then, we use panel data regression analysis examine the relationship between the suicide rate and the socioeconomic factors. We found that high suicide rates have concentrated in certain age groups of certain counties. While the high unemployment rate and divorce rate have made the high suicide rate in these groups. This study will explore further the situation of a specific age group that the unemployed people status associated with suicide. Therefore, the government should pay more attention to diversities of suicide rate in different areas and age groups. In doing so, the policies of suicide prevention would be more effectual.