中東歐地區自從冷戰結束後,東歐經互會與華約之瓦解,以及蘇聯解體後,區域國家彼此間的對立不在,如此給予波蘭在外交上發展的契機。冷戰後,波蘭以加入北約、歐盟為其外交政策目標,如此,使得波蘭在追求民主與經濟發展同時,也能鞏固其區域安全,並協助維持歐洲和平與穩定。2004年加入歐盟後的波蘭,與歐盟雙方之間雖然存在著許多衝突,但為了追求其國家利益,波蘭仍需要與歐盟合作,進一步與歐盟共同維護歐洲地區安全。而在伊拉克戰爭中波蘭出兵表示支持美國的立場,也使得波蘭在歐盟與美國之間更須要維持雙邊利益關係,儘管歐盟與美國之間由於伊拉克事件存在一些矛盾,所以波蘭與美國之間的互動,也是波蘭外交政策中必須思考的因素。本論文主要探討波蘭在冷戰後外交政策的目標為何,受到哪些內外在因素的影響,而加入北約以及歐盟後的波蘭外交政策,採取何種回應策略,彼此的互動關係,來了解波蘭外交政策的走向。 After sequences of Cold War ended, CMEA and the Warsaw Treaty broke down, and Russia collapsed, the confronting positions within districts and nations were disappeared which makes good opportunity for Poland's foreign policy development. During the period of post-cold war era, Poland aimed joining NATO and EU as its foreign policy goals; for this reason, when Poland pursued democratic and economic development, the region security still could be consolidated, further to being assistance for maintaining European peace and stable. Despite there were conflicts existed between Poland and EU after joined EU in 2004, for pursuing Poland's nation benefit, both should cooperate for preserving European region security. Because Poland supported USA in Iraq War that made Poland had to preserve bilateral relations between EU and USA despite some contradictions existed, for this reason, the interaction between Poland and USA as one of factors that Poland had to deliberate on foreign policy. In this essay, we'll discuss and analyze what Poland's foreign policy goals, what influences came from external and internal elements after post-cold war; and how did Poland respond on foreign policy when joined NATO and EU and the interactions to comprehend Poland's foreign policy direction.