網際網路( Internet;以下簡稱網路)於二十世紀的九0年代以驚人的速度風行全世界,網路具有跨國界、匿名性、互動性及快速的特性,普遍與快速的獲得社會各階層的歡迎,而其所提供的多樣化的資源服務,更富含無限商機。另一方面,在網路熱浪來襲同時,網路高度利用的西方國家開始注意到網路資訊散佈所帶來的潛在危害。部分傳統電子及平面媒體嚴格管制的內容,如猥褻、兒童色情、種族歧視觀念、懼外思想及極度暴力等,紛紛出現在網路上。至於利用網路從事違法行為,如販毒、詐欺、買賣人口等,更是層出不窮。而由於追查散佈來源的難度比一般平面及電子媒體相對較高,也成為難以解決與管制的問題。在民間團體強大的壓力下,網路內容管制( content regulation )之聲四起,而各國政府也相繼制定法律,試解決此一網路亂象。歐洲聯盟( European Union;以下簡稱歐盟 )因各國聯繫不易,管制做法亦不相同,因而成立整合各國檢舉及宣導網站的國際組織INHOPE及INSAFE,與各國政府及國際刑警組織合作,共同打擊犯罪。在歐洲國家方面,英國1996年成立監督網路違法及有害資訊檢舉網站IWF( Internet Watch Foundation )網路監督基金會,為歐洲國家最早成立監督網站的國家。當然,其他國家如德國、奧地利等追查網路違法資訊亦不遺餘力。而臺灣民間方面,則緊追在後地於1999年7月方由台灣終止童妓協會( End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Sexual Purpose )架設檢舉熱線( www.web547.org.tw )。 本論文針對歐盟與我國對於網路內容管制之法律規定做一有系統的探討分析,以了解網路犯罪的背景、現象、規範及國際規範立法等重要內容。 The internet has become very popular and common throughout the world. Its special attributes like cross border communication, anonymity and speed have provided benefits for business, entertainment, as well as education. Nonetheless, the experience in the past decade has shown that it also contains certain dangers. Child pornography, extreme violence, hate speech and other illegal and harmful materials can be reached easily on the internet by young users. Various cases have demonstrated that the harm it caused can be very serious. In order to curb these problems, the European Union (EU) established two international organizations (namely INHOPE and INSAVE) and urged member States to strengthen their laws and enforcement. This dissertation analyses the efforts of EU and member States in the fight against illegal and harmful materials on the internet. Focus is placed on how the laws and the enforcement actions collaborated with international non-governmental organizations in dealing with contents relating to child pornography, sexual grooming, hate speech and other harmful materials. Also, a comparison of Taiwanese laws and enforcement is provided.