1978年,歐盟的前身歐洲共同體與中國正式簽訂一項貿易協議,這是歐盟與中國所簽署第一份官方文件。1985年歐中關係更邁向另一個新里程碑,簽署「歐中經濟和貿易合作協定」,現今仍是歐中關係的法律框架。但1989年,因為六四天安門事件發生,歐中關係一度停擺。1993年馬斯垂克條約生效後,為了成功扮演全球行為者的角色,歐盟積極規劃對中國的政策,至今已經陸續發表多份與中國相關的政策文件,雙邊關係進展快速。本文將分析歐盟官方文件的內涵及其對中國的政策發展的影響,希望能藉此瞭解歐盟對中國政策的具體變遷情形。 In 1978, the European Community, the predecessor of the European Union and China signed a trade agreement, which was the first official document European Union and China signed. In year 1985, EU-China relations more towards a new milestone, the document of "EU-China Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement" was signed, which is still the current legal framework for EU-China relations. But in year 1989, as the Tiananmen Square protests took place, EU-China relations were shut down at the time. In year 1993, when Maastricht Treaty on the year after the entry into force, in order to successfully play the global role behavior, the European Union was also planning to re-active policy towards China and has been added and released a number of China-related policy documents. This article analyzes the European Union and its connotations of the official documents on the development of China's foreign policy, and its purpose was to understand the cases of EU's China policy changes.