摘要: | 台灣現代出版產業自國民政府來台,帶來大批閱讀人口後,出版活動與各項事業才開始起步,但因海內外政治情勢與文化政策影響,推展困難,直至七○至八○年代台灣出版產業才真正開始蓬勃發展,並在市場誘因及文化理想的驅策下,有許多年輕人投入出版產業,時至今日,這群「戰後第一代出版人」仍是引領台灣出版產業的重量級出版人。 本研究即以七○年代創設出版產業者為研究對象,依據出版人的產業影響力、個人資歷、公司經營類別、經驗與資料可集性,作為個案挑選次標準,選出六位研究對象:彭誠晃(水牛)、楊榮川(五南)、陳本源(全華)、王榮文(遠流)、隱地(爾雅)、蔡文甫(九歌)。 依據人物研究與多重個案研究設計,收集事實資料並進行深度訪談法。先完成單個案整理後,進行跨個案綜合比較分析,以出版人事業發展歷程為經,時空變化為緯,探討個案出版人之「成長環境與學習背景」、事業發展過程中「經營理念」、「出版理念」,剖析發展歷程,重建出版人的事業發展軌跡,建立出版事業的有效參考模式。 經跨個案比較,可歸納出解析出版事業發展的三種模式:(1)「個人發展類型」模式,透過個人成長背景與個人才具對出版理念的影響。(2)「生涯發展」模式,由職涯發展過程,進行解析。(3)「事業發展」模式,建構個案事業經營的定位與事業發展的版圖。 Publication activities and publication industry only started with the arrival of KMT government in Taiwan, which also brought a massive amount of reading population. However, due to political circumstance and cultural policy at the time, publication industry and the promotion of publication activities did not get blossom till 1970 to 1980. At the same time, there were many young youths devoted their time and career into publication industry, who were also known as “1st generation publisher after the war” and still play important role and take leading position in the publication industry of nowadays. This study is focused on the publishers of the 1970, 6 publishers are selected base upon the following criteria: industry influence, company category, experience and also information collectivity. They are: Peng, C.-H.(Sueinyu), Yang, R.-C. (Wunan), Chen,B.-Y. (Chuenhua), Wang, R.-W. (Yuanliu), Yindi (Erya), Tsai, W.-F. (Jiuge). Compounding the research of character and multiple case studies, this research was conducted and initiated by collecting the facts and then follow by a depth interview. Cross and comparative analysis of multiple cases would be taken into position after one single case was completed. By looking at the publisher’s business development and also society background, further study on publisher’s “growing environment and learing background” 、the process of development of their business’ “concept of operation”、”concept of publication”. Then analyze the whole process of development, then retrace the trajectory of publisher’s business development, then establish an effective referential model. According to the comparative analysis of cases, which can induce three models of publication industry development : (1)”individual development type” model, the influence of concept of publication by the personal background. (2)”career development” model, analysis from the process of career development. (3) “enterprise development” model, constructs the orientation of enterprise’s operation and development plan. |