摘要: | 英語教育目前為國家重要教育政策施行之一,國小英語教育議題以新興科目之姿,一直極受社會重視與關注。目前國小英語教育之困,首推英語教科書之選用,本研究旨在探討、建立一套完整科學合理的國民小學英語科教科書評選表,以作為國民小學英語教師評選教科書參照及英語教科書出版業編輯參考。 為達成上述目的,本研究在設計上,一、利用文獻探討法,探討教科書評選的性質、意義、國內教科書評選指標因素及各國教科書評選制度;二、透過Borda’s Function法之篩選方式,建立可用的評選指標因素;三、利用Fuzzy AHP法,建立國民小學英語科教科書評選指標的權重。 本研究問卷徵詢專家,包括大學相關學者、教育行政人員、各縣市國小英語科輔導員、嘉義市國民小學英語教師、英語教科書出版業編輯等。問卷所得資料利用Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process法進行分析,研究結果提出以下結論。 一、國民小學英語教科書評選,應注意內容屬性、教學屬性、可讀屬性、物理屬性、出版屬性等五個層面,依據五個屬性建立評選指標規準來進行。 二、完整的教科書評選表,應包括計分量尺、計分符號、權重比例及解釋處理等四個層面。三、模蝴層級程序法〈FAHP〉在多準則權重中,於決策中較科學合理並具易行性的一種方法,在教科書評選指標權重的建立方面,是重要的研究方法之一。 四、在國民小學英語教科書評選構面中,以內容屬性最為重要(37.18%),其次為可讀屬性(25.65%),再其次為教學屬性(23.09%),再其次為物理屬性(7.33%),最後則為出版屬性(6.74%)。 五、在內容屬性評選指標中,其相對權重分配,以內容正確為最重要(36.07%),其次為內容安排循序漸進(18.77%),再其次為內容難易適中(17.32%),再其次為內容主題生活化(13.99%),最後為內容生動活潑有趣(13.85%)。 六、在可讀屬性評選指標中,其相對權重分配,分別為「聽說讀寫比例適當」最重要(25.29%),其次為「文法結構難易適中」(23.61%),再其次為「文句簡明流暢易於閱讀」(21.92%),再其次為「句子長短適中」(16.62%),最後為「歌曲及遊戲設計生動」(12.56%)。 七、在教學屬性評選指標中,其相對權重分配,分別為「教學目標具體可行」最重要(28.26%),其次為「重視學習動機與興趣」(21.54%),再其次為「活動設計富變化」(17.96%),再其次為「教材份量適當」(16.80%),最後為「評量多元化配合學習目標」(15.43%)。 八、在物理屬性評選指標中,其相對權重分配,分別為「字體大小適中」最重要(33.76%),其次為「紙質優良不反光」(19.92%),再其次為「印刷品質清晰精美」(19.54%),再其次為「色彩符合色彩心理學」(15.21%),最後為「裝訂安全牢靠」(11.56%)。九、在出版屬性評選指標中,其相對權重分配,分別為「優良的編輯理念」最重要(29.35%),其次為「輔助教材完整」(21.33%),再其次為「教具設計經濟實用」(20.38%),再其次為「售後服務完善」(16.30%),最後為「教科書價錢合理」(12.64%)。 十、本研究依研究發展,提出一套適用九年一貫國民小學英語教科書選用評鑑表,以協助英語教師評選實務應用及提供教科書出版商未來改進教科書編輯的參考。 English education is currently one of the important educational policies of the country, while the issue of English education in elementary school has always received significant concern and attention as a newly-emerging subject. Presently, the selection of English textbook is considered to be of the dilemma of English education in elementary school. This study investigates and establishes a set of comprehensive, scientific, and reasonable evaluation table of English textbook for elementary school as selection of textbook and editorial reference for the publishing industry of English textbooks when English teachers of elementary school evaluate and select textbooks. To achieve the above-mentioned objective, this study has, first of all, resorted to literature review method to investigate the nature, significance, evaluation indicator factor of domestic textbook as well as textbook evaluation system of various countries. Second, workable evaluation indicator factor is established using the screening method of Borda’s Function. Third, Fuzzy AHP is utilized to build up the weight of English textbook evaluation indicator for elementary school. The questionnaire of this study has inquired experts, which include scholars from university in relevant fields, educational administration personnel, counselor of English subject in each county and city, English teacher of elementary school in Chiayi City, and editors from the publishing industry on English textbooks. The information obtained is analyzed with Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), and conclusions of research results are put forth as follows: 1. The evaluation of English textbooks in elementary should pay attention to the five aspects as content attribute, instruction attribute, readability, physical attribute, and publishing attribute, while evaluation indicators criteria should be established based on these five attributes. 2.Comprehensive evaluation table of textbook should embrace the four aspects as measurement scale, score symbol, weight proportion, and interpretation administration. 3. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is, among multi-criteria weight, considered to be the kind of relatively scientific, reasonable, and workable method, and it is one of the important research methods for the establishment of evaluation indicator weight for textbook. 4. In the evaluation aspect of English textbook for elementary school, content attribute is reckoned to be of the most important (37.18%), seconded by readability (25.65%), trailed by instruction attribute (23.09%), physical attribute (7.33%), and publishing attribute (6.74%). 5. In evaluation indicator of content attribute, its distribution of weight finds the content accuracy to be most important (36.07%), seconded by progressive arrangement of the content (18.77%), trailed by appropriate difficulty of content (17.32%), liveliness of content subjects (13.99%), and then being fun and alive of the content (13.85%). 6. In the evaluation indicator of readability, its distribution of weight finds “appropriate proportion of listening, speaking, reading, and writing” to be most important (25.29%), seconded by “suitable difficulty of grammar structure” (23.61%), trailed by “concise and fluent sentence conducive for reading”(21.92%), “suitable length of sentence” (16.62%), and “lively design of song and game” (12.56%). 7. In the evaluation indicator of instruction attribute, its distribution of weight finds “substantially workable with instruction objective” to be most important (28.26%), seconded by “importance awarded to learning motif and interest” (21.54%), trailed by “abundant changes with game design” (17.96%), “suitable amount of instruction material” (16.80%), and “diversified evaluation coping with learning objective” (15.43%). 8. In the evaluation indicator of physical attribute, its distribution of weight finds “suitable size of word” to be most important (33.76%), seconded by “quality paper that doesn’t reflect” (19.92%), trailed by “clear and beautiful printing quality” (19.54%), “color accommodating to color psychology” (15.21%), and “safe and reliable binding” (11.56%). 9. In the evaluation indicator of publishing attribute, its distribution of weights finds “favorable editorial concept” to be most important (29.35%), seconded by “comprehensive auxiliary instruction material” (21.33%), trailed by “economical and practical design instruction tools” (20.38%), “complete after-sales service” (16.30%), and “reasonable textbook price” (12.64%). 10. This study will, based on its research and development, set forth an evaluation screening table on English textbook for the Grades 1-9 Curriculum so as to assist English teachers to evaluate and select textbooks as well as provide these results to be reference to improve textbook editing for textbook publisher in the future. |