在民國91年有了教科書全國統一聯合計價與議價,利用全國議價的力量來壓低價格,以避免各縣市價格上的差異以及減輕家長的負擔,但整個制度執行過程是有瑕疵的,而且衍生相當多的問題。本文主要目的是從整個制度面來探討台灣中小學教科書計價與議價制度,針對整個制度面給予適當的建議。 本研究方法是以制度研究為主,操作上結合歷史結構分析法。根據相關文獻與事實資料建構出本論文的五大構面:「源起」、「運行」、「效應」、「改變」、「發展」,針對各構面予以分析探討。由研究結果發現,計價應該成立常設組織,該組織由國立編譯館在審書的過程當中,就可以對教科書作計價的動作;調整適當計議價時間,是要先決定價格,後決定品質;或者是先決定品質,後決定價格,這是很值得進一步探討的問題。 本論文是第一篇探討教科書計價與議價相關的學位論文,希望透過本研究以拓荒者的角色,讓後續對此議題有興趣者能繼續研究。 The Unified National Textbook Pricing and Bargaining System have been implemented since 2002. This system utilizes schools’ bargaining power to reduce textbook prices. The main purpose of this system is to resolve the price inconsistency among various areas in Taiwan and to decrease the cost burden for households. But there are some deficiencies in the whole processes which result in many new problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential problems of this textbook pricing and bargaining system. Our goal is to provide suggestions and directions for future revision of this system. The major research method used for this study is institutional research approach combined with historical structure analysis. According to related literatures and real data, five main dimensions are constructed in this study: “origin”, “execution”, “impact”, “change”, and “development”. The first result of this study, I find the pricing unit should be formed as an independent organization. This independent organization examines the textbooks from the National Institute for Compilation and Translation (NICT). It can also set up the pricing scheme for the textbooks at the same time. The second result of this study is to alter pricing timing. Whether pricing scheme or quality requirement should be set up and considered first is an important decision issue worthy of intensive discussion. This research is the first study discussing the unifying national textbooks pricing and bargaining system. I hope this research can provide some pioneering results for future researchers to develop a more efficient pricing system for textbooks.