摘要: | 台灣原住民在台灣史上具有其特殊的歷史處境及政治氛圍,隨著時代的變遷,在解嚴、黨外運動、本土文化等推波助瀾之下,1980年代以降社會風氣的開放,提供了台灣原住民族運動極大的發展空間,而台灣原住民圖書的出版活動亦在此時開始蓬勃發展,這其中的歷程與演變令人注目。因此,本研究將時間鎖定在1980至2007年,針對台灣營利性出版社所出版的有關台灣原住民議題的中文紙本圖書進行探討,並從圖書市場的角度探討出版社與作者的出版理念、市場定位、書寫動機,以期建構台灣原住民圖書出版史。 具體而言,本研究目的有兩大面向:1.質化分析:探討台灣原住民圖書出版歷程與社會變遷的相互關聯與影響。2.量化分析:探討台灣原住民圖書市場在出版量、作者身分、出版社、圖書內容等數據統計資料下所呈現的出版意涵。 本研究整合了「歷史研究法」、「內容分析法」、「文獻計量學」、「深度訪談」等研究方法,將所得之資料進行歸納、整理、分析、解釋。 綜上,得出以下的研究發現與結論:1.從1980年代原住民文化復興運動的啟蒙時期、1990年代山海文化雜誌暨山海文學獎的推動時期、2000年迄今的多元發展時期等三個階段的出版歷程,台灣原住民圖書出版歷程與政治力與社會運動、經濟景氣與國民所得、文化政策、教育與閱讀環境等層面的台灣整體社會變遷,彼此的關係密切,並相互影響。2.從量化的資料顯示,各個時期台灣原住民圖書在出版量、作者身分、出版社、圖書內容等項目,均有逐年遞增的趨勢,尤其在原住民作者、原住民以自己母族為書寫對象、書寫主題的多元性等部分,更有大幅度的成長。但更進一步從SWOT分析圖書市場環境,發現台灣原住民圖書市場其實正面臨從1980年代萌芽期、1990年代興盛期到如今持平下滑的出版現象,原因除了整體社會及出版環境的衰退外,更重要的是出版題材重複、無新的企劃素材、作者缺乏新論述等本質上的問題。面對目前市場的考驗,台灣原住民圖書必須有開發新產品、拓展新市場等多角化經營的新思維與作法。 Taiwanese aboriginals have their own unique history and political environment. As times changed, the martial law was abrogated, and the opposition movement for democracy and nativistic movement rose here and there, Taiwanese society has been opener since 1980’s, giving Taiwan’s aboriginal movements a great chance to develop. This was the period when the aboriginal publication started to flourish and present eye-catching processes and evolution. Hence, this study discusses Chinese books about Taiwan’s aboriginal issues published by profit-seeking publishers during 1980 and 2007, in order to create the history of aboriginal publication in Taiwan and know the perspectives of the book market on publishers’ and authors’ publishing ideas, the market position, and motives of writing. To be specific, this study has two fronts: 1.Quality Analysis: To know the history of Taiwanese aboriginals’ publications and its correlation and interaction with social changes2.Quantity Analysis: To discuss what meanings behind the volumes, author’s identity, publishers, and the content of Taiwanese aboriginals’ publication. This study adopts “historical research,” “content analysis,” “document metrology,” and “in-depth interview” to collect information, which will be generalized, sorted, analyzed, and interpreted. This study has the following findings and conclusions: 1.Judging Taiwanese aboriginals’ cultural Renaissance in 1980s, promotion of Taiwan Mountain magazine and Taiwan Mountain Literary Award in 1990s, and all-round social developments from 2000 up to now, the history of Taiwanese aboriginals’ publications is highly related and interacted with all social changes in politic momentum, social movements, the economic cycle, national income, culture policy, education, and reading environment. 2.According the quantity analysis, Taiwanese aboriginals’ books are improving annually in volumes, author’s identity, publisher, and the content of books. Especially the volume of documents written by aboriginals, for aboriginals, and with multiple subjects increases dramatically. On a smaller scale, SWOT analysis into the book market shows that Taiwanese aboriginal publication after the starting phase in 1980s and the growth phase in 1990s is now facing the decline phase. This is caused by the society as a whole and the shrinking book market and, more importantly, by duplicate subject matters, ordinary source materials, and lack of new perspectives. Faced challenges in the market, Taiwanese aboriginal publication should try new products, new niches, and other multi-operations. |