本研究旨在探討不同人口統計變數與學習生活型態之大學生對於數位教材購買行為之差異。希望透過理論推導和施測之結果,對學術界與產業界有新的啟發。 研究之對象為臺灣地區具有購買數位教材經驗之大學生。採用線上問卷調查法。問卷回收後,有效樣本達405份。並以描述性統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、群集分析、卡方檢定等統計方法,進行資料處理與分析。 研究結果發現人口統計變數在數位教材購買行為上之差異,而此項發現具有意義。本研究也證實不同學習生活型態之大學生,在數位教材購買行為上皆有差異。 The purpose of this research is to explore the effects of different demographic and learning lifestyle on college students’ behavior toward purchasing digital learning materials. Hopefully, the empirical data has some implications for the future studies and industrial development. Object of the research is the college student in Taiwan who has purchases experiences of digital learning materials. This study uses the on-line questionnaire survey, the valid questionnaire volume is 405. This study used SPSS 12.0 software to proceed with analysis, which applied independent sample T-Test, single factor analysis of variance, factor analysis, cluster analysis and chi-square test. According to the results of this study, it shows that different gender, college, location, and disposable income would have the remarkable difference with purchase behavior. It means that the consumer characteristics had influenced the purchasing behavior of digital learning materials. Moreover, different learning lifestyle would have an impact on purchasing motion, information search, evaluation criteria and choice of purchasing.