本研究以「老榮民與大陸配偶的老年婚姻關係」為主題,旨在探討:一、瞭解老榮民和大陸配偶婚姻生活經驗。二、瞭解老榮民和大陸配偶婚姻關係的整體樣貌。三、瞭解老榮民和大陸配偶如何看待自己的婚姻角色。 論文採用質性研究的敘事研究方法,以老榮民和大陸配偶進行深入訪談收集資料,透過研究過程互為主體的方式,敘說他(她)們豐厚的生命故事,取得文本資料並進行綜合分析,藉以揭露「老榮民與大陸配偶的婚姻關係」的本質與其背後的意義。 根據研究發現,老榮民藉由婚姻關係尋求老年安養保障;大陸配偶藉由婚姻關係替自身謀求老年經濟的準備。彼此在老年婚姻生活中互相扶持照顧。 期望本研究對於現今外籍配偶在台的社會現象,放寬她們在台的工作限制。以及對未來人口高齡化的趨勢,放寬看護審核標準及優惠,在未來安養政策上提供多元化的思考與選擇。提出建議,作為政府以及社會之参考。 This study is basically designed to explore the senile marriage relationships between the old veterans and spouses from mainland China on three concerns. The first one is to understand the life experiences of the couples in marriages. The second one is to figure out the general situations of marriage relationships between the old veterans and their spouses from mainland China. The third one is to know how they think of their roles during these relationships. In this study, we used the descriptive method and qualitative analysis. Through the interviews, the interviewees were seen as individual and independent to share their stories. After obtaining the descriptive scripts, we analyzed them to reveal the nature and meaning behind this kind of marriage relationships. According to our research, the old veterans sought for assured elderly lives by the spouses’ cares in marriages. However, the spouses from mainland China tried to prepare their elderly lives by themselves through marriages. In other words, they take care of each other in their elderly marriage lives. In conclusion, we expect that the unique social phenomenon in Taiwan presented in this investigation could enhance removing some restrictions on the foreign spouses working ban. In addition, in order to deal with population aging, we hope via this essay the government would not only consider to broaden the criteria of applications for aged nursing care but also to provide multiple choices in aged population care policy.