摘要: | 本論文主要的重點是要說明、強調初期佛教也有提到菩薩思想,這裡摘錄前四部尼柯耶與小部尼柯耶的《本生經》、《佛種姓經》、《所行經》、《譬喻經》的經文來進行論證。對於有一部份佛教學者、佛教信仰者把阿含劃為小乘人所修行的法門,讓後代人忽略了四部《阿含經》、巴利三藏初期佛教的菩薩思想,於此提出更正、澄清、說明。 第一章,說明筆者的研究動機、問題意識、研究方法、研究目的,或可看出筆者強烈的意識,想說明初期佛教本身就有菩薩思想;對經典文獻及現代日本、泰國、緬甸、歐美、台灣學界相關文獻進行探討。 第二章,探討前四部尼柯耶的菩薩思想,摘錄各部經文來進行論述。 第三章,對小部尼柯耶的菩薩思想進行探究,舉列其相關文獻。進而閳述菩薩實踐所修的法門;一切智、菩提智為最極重要目的;遇到佛以及授記重要議題。 第四章,係論述菩薩的實踐與三學的關係,說明三學與八正道、止和觀的關係,佛陀對前世菩薩實踐的態度等等。 第五章,即論述十波羅蜜與解脫道實踐關係,及闡述三學與三種福業事關係、十波羅蜜與三十七道品的關係。 第六章,則對本論文進行總結,就本文的論證,可視為菩薩思想於初期佛教就已經存在了。 筆者建議漢傳研究學者可再進一步深入就佛典部分探討「初期佛教之菩薩思想」,漢傳佛教係是大乘佛教重要支派,其佛典浩瀚且豐富,對於該議題的進一步澄清與確認必然有很大的著力點與助益。 The main focus of this thesis is to show and stress on the early Buddhism mentioned bodhisatta concept. We conducted feasibility studies from the reference of first four nikāyas and khuddaka nikāya, which are jātaka, buddhavaṃsa, cariyāpitaka, apadāna. In the past, some of Buddhist scholars and Buddhist believed in the āgamas, designated by the key to self-cultivation. But for now, future generations overlook four āgamas, pāli tipitaka, which is early Buddhism bodhisatta concept. This thesis focuses on making corrections, clarifications and interpretations on both early and now concept of the Buddhism bodhisatta. The first chapter, the author would like to explain the early Buddhism itself bodhisatta concept. The author used many methodologies to encourage through this thesis such as motivation, awareness of the problem, research methods, research purposes and strong sense of the author. Many scholars from Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Europe and the United States, Taiwan discuss relevant on both classic literature. The second chapter, the author would like to discuss and explain more clearly and detailed on the first four nikāyas in the bodhisatta. Chapter III, the khuddaka nikāya, the bodhisatta concept of inquiring, further stated bodhisatta dhamma practice; perfect knowledge, enlightened mind ; the most important purpose; and encountered the Buddha and Buddha’s predictions. Chapter IV, The bodhisatta practice relates with the three studies, eightfold noble path and the practice of tranquility and insight. Buddha's attitude regards to the previous world bodhisatta practice dhamma. Chapter V, discusses about ten pāramita relationship with the way or doctrine of liberation. The three studies relate with the three (sources of) felicity and ten pāramita relate with the thirty-seven conditions leading to bodhi. Chapter VI of this thesis is to summarize. This demonstration can be seen as thinking in the early exist Buddhist bodhisatta. I propose the study of Chinese scholars may further in-depth study of Buddhist Scriptures on the early Buddhism bodhisatta concept. Chinese Buddhism of Mahāyāna Buddhism is an important sects, and the vastness of its rich Buddhist Scriptures, the subject of further clarification and confirmation will have been more focus and useful. |