未來人力資源管理必須配合威權轉型民主的政經環境變遷、政府再造、地方自治等行政效能的潮流演進,深入檢討研修,方能適應新時代的需求。而人事人員身為機關內人力資源的管理者,應轉變成主動的服務提供者、員工關懷者、策略經營夥伴及變革催化者,需深刻體認自身角色的轉變,並協助組織成員達成組織目標。 本研究在探討人事人員之人格特質、工作特性與工作滿意度之間的關係,以台南縣國民中小學之人事人員為研究對象,透過問卷調查的方式,進行人格特質、工作特性及工作滿意度之研究。依據研究結果提出對上級人事主管機關、學校行政主管人員、人事人員等三方面的具體建議,作為日後處理相關實務之參考。本研究結果顯示如下:一、不同個人屬性在人格特質、工作特性、工作滿意度之知覺上有顯著的差異。二、國民中小學人事人員人格特質與工作特性、人格特質與工作滿意度、工作特性與工作滿意度各具有顯著的相關性。三、國民中小學人事人員人格特質對工作滿意度、工作特性對工作滿意度、人格特質與工作特性對工作滿意度各具有顯著的預測能力。 The human resources management (HRM) has to coordinate with the reforming democracy of central government and the urging self-governance of local government to keep up with the changing society in Taiwan. The HRM personnel should transform their roles in personnel manager to active service provider. The care of staff, the strategic managing partner and the catalysis of transformation must be profoundly realized by HRM personnel as their major tasks so that their can help the organization members to achieve the organization goal. The purposes of this study were to explore relationships between personnel administrators relating on personality traits, job characteristics and work satisfaction. The HRM personnel of district schools in Tainan County are my study object. The results will provide suggestions for local government, educational administrator and personnel administrators.The major results of the research are as followings:1. There is remarkable difference in distinct personal attributes on personality traits, job characteristics and work satisfaction.2. There is remarkable correlation between personality traits and job characteristics, personality traits and work satisfaction, job characteristics and work satisfaction of the personnel of district school.3. The personality traits of the district school personnel predict notably job characteristics, the job characteristics could predict notably work satisfaction and the personality traits and job characteristics could predict notably work satisfaction.