本研究在探討高級中等學校輪調式建教班的實施現況,採用質化研究之個案研究法,以深度訪談方式對高中職建教合作進行探討。藉由與業界從事建教合作的高中職業學校中,及實施建教合作多年的企業中,蒐集整理建教合作經驗、實行方法、及遇到的困難,試著找出現行建教合作中的一些問題,並能給予客觀的建議和檢討改進的參考。研究中分別以從學校面及企業面及駐廠輔導員三方面向,探討教合作之模式。 根據上述主要發現,本研究之結論如下: 一、建教生的定位︰建教生的定位設定為企業培訓的基層幹部是必要的,讓學生能在專業知識與實務經驗結合,成為企業的基層幹部。 二、訓練課程規劃︰學校在課程著重在個實務經驗與理論基礎的連結。而企業以基層訓練、專業技術訓練為主,並可一同參與學校課程規劃。 三、合作關係建立與維繫︰企業可維持人才供給的多方管道;學校可建立學生多元化的選擇管道。而保持中立的立場,迅速的處理問題,是維繫關係的不二法門。 四、合作困難的排除︰學校應突顯建教合作特色;而企業內部高階主管的支持尤為重要。根據上述研究發現,分別對「學校」、「學生」、「企業」及「後續研究」提出具體建議。 The purpose of this study was to explore the current status for cyclical cooperative education in vocational high school. This research adopts the case study of quality research and investigates the mode of cyclical cooperative education in vocational high schools by depth interview. We choose the vocational high schools and enterprise which have already gone on cooperative education for the study object, ask their experience of implementation, the way of execution and their difficulties.Three different points of view are collected: the aspect of school education, the enterprise apartment and the counselor. The major findings are the following: 1. Student’s positioning: It is necessary to supervise students as the first-line personnel of the enterprise. 2. Training: The school should focus on the continuity of course between practice experience and the theoretical base. Enterprises should rely mainly on basic unit training and cooperate with the school's training plan. 3. Maintain Cooperation: The initiative development for new cooperation objective is important. Fast handling problem is the only effective means to maintain the relation between both sides. 4. Cooperative difficulty: The school should emphasize its characteristic in order to acquire new students. The support of the CEO is particularly important inside the enterprises.