本研究主要在建構臺灣文化發展的脈絡,起於四百年前蠻荒孤島之際,終於奠定臺灣文化根基之時,橫跨了荷西、明鄭、清領、日據等四個時期,研究內容針對三個面向,在語言文字方面,從文字的初體驗到開啟學制養成教育;在原民族群方面,從尋根探源到分類體系;在自然生態方面,從動植物種到古道山岳,置重點於探索瞭解早期旅臺外籍人士無私奉獻與險境深耕,最終成就了今日臺灣繽紛璀璨文化的事實。同時,藉由本研究系統蒐整外籍人士事蹟資料,俾使緬懷仿效。 This research aims to construct the sequence of the Development of Taiwanese culture. Traversing over the period of the colony under Dutch and Spanish, the Min Dynasty and the Ching Dynasty of China, and Japanese,the research develops in three aspects–language aborigines and natural ecology . The ranges from 400 years ago till now focusing on how those foreigners in early days devoted themselves to the place selflessly. Meanwhile, with the categorical data of the foreigners' files, this research canprovide our compatriots with examples for memorizing and learning from those respectful foreigners.