國際佛光會為佛教史上首見的大型信眾國際弘教組織,從創會宗旨來看,其展現的不但是佛光教團開山星雲大師在人間佛教思想、理論與實踐的步履,也承啟了教界對世紀佛教發展的願景,是以佛光會無論在組織型態、組織功能,乃至於組織所關注的課題上,都具有濃厚的人間佛教性格。在佛光教團之下,佛光會與佛光山就如大師所言為「鳥之雙翼」,除顯示出兩者相輔相成的關係之外,在佛光會的高階決策系統上,僧團仍具有舉足輕重的影響力,因此,也形成佛光會特有的組織運作型態,以確保僧信組織得以貫徹同一理念的組織範式。國際佛光會在世界各地發展至今方十七年,會務運作的多元性既提供了寬闊的弘教途徑選擇空間,也是本土化的必要過程,唯歷程未久,故多數仍以華人社群所熟悉的活動為主要會務項目,是以各地特色尤待開發,應藉由會務發展計劃之擬定與執行,一方面可以帶動組織學習,另一方面也可以繼續拓展新世紀的弘教事務。 The Buddhist Light International Association (BLIA) is the first large international organization in the Buddhist history, which is especially composed of lay devotees and dedicates to promote Buddhism. Its objectives illustrate a vivid image that Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guan Shan has been devoting to modernize and develop the theory and practice of Humanistic Buddhism. This also inherits and carries out the vision for the development in Buddhism among Buddhist groups in the century. The BLIA has been following up the spirit of Humanistic Buddhism not only in its forms and functions, but also in any issues of concern. Just as what the Master said, BLIA and Fo Guan Shan, constituted by lay followers and monastics respectively, are as the wings of a bird. To insure of reaching the same goal, one of the characters in BLIA is to grant certain rights for the monastic when something significant needs to be determined. The BLIA has been developing in a universal way for seventeen years and its diversity provides a broad space and various channels to preach the dharma. More importantly, it is necessary to have such diversity to make Buddhism localized. However, more exploitation of characters in each country is needed since the activities are mainly designed for Asian groups so far. As a result, by framing and implementing the plan of the BLIA’s development, the association can continuously develop a new enterprise for dharma propagation and also enables its members to keep learning as well.