摘要: | 佛光山在開山宗長星雲大師的領導下,四十年來致力建立現代教團,發展國際佛教,闡揚人間佛教。因此積極創辦文化、教育、慈善等全方位的弘法事業,藉以從事教化社會、服務人群、宣揚佛法。佛光山在文化事業,辦有人間福報、香海文化出版社、人間衛視、十餘所美術館等;在慈善福利事業上,設立大慈育幼院、雲水醫院、仁愛之家等;另設立四十餘年的佛學院,專門培養弘法人才,興辦普門中學,南華大學、佛光大學等大中小學,落實「以教育培養人才」的宗旨。 但是,佛光山教團本身既非營利事業,而基於弘揚佛法的本務,及貢獻社會、福利他人等公益活動的付出,卻又需要龐大的資源,因此除了由佛光山自設的出版等事業有限的收入挹注外,不得不仰賴廣大信眾的捐輸,以共同完成佛光人共同的「弘揚佛法、培養人才、福利社會、淨化人心」的願景。 基於星雲大師強調「十方來十方去,共成十方事;萬人施萬人捨,同結萬人緣」的理念,佛光山募款時相當重視小額捐款,如從八十五年即開始發動的「百萬人興學活動」,就是希望勸募百萬人每月捐款百元,集腋成裘以興辦大學。佛光山如此不同於其他非營利組織的募款觀念,實引發吾人探討佛光人之捐款行為的主要動機。 援此,本論文希望藉由量化研究、歸納分析,來探討佛光人的捐款行為,期能提供佛光山在長期弘揚佛法、教育社會、文化推動及社會福利等事業上,有更具體的依據與參考。 Fo Guang Shan under the founding Master Hsing-Yun's leadership, for past forty years devote to establish the modern monastery, to develop international Buddhism, and to propagate Humanistic Buddhism. According its aim, Fo Guang Shan activlly develops the cultural, educational, and charity business in order to engage in community education, serving people, and preaching Buddha's teaching. At the cultural establishment, Fo Guang Shan runs "Merit Times Newspaper", "Gandha Samudra Culture Company", "Life TV" and many "Fo Guang Yuan Art Galleries" all over the world. At charitable welfare services, it has established "Tatzu protectory", "Cloud Water hospital", senior citizens' homes…and so on. Fo Guang Shan also set up Buddhist college, Pu Men high school, Nanhua university and Fo Guang university…etc. to implement its mission of education and cultivating personnel. Fo Guang Shan itself is a non-profit organization, not a commercial organization. However, based on its main mission of spreading dharma, contribution of social welfare, and philanthropic events, an enormous resource is required. Therefore, except revenues from its own publisher and other owned businesses, donations from followers and disciples have become an important way in order to achieve the goal of Fo Guang Shan: "spreading dharma, cultivating personnel, welfare society, and purifying people's mind." The different concept and method of fund raising have resulted my primary motivation in conducting this research to discuss the Fo Guang Shan donors' behavior. Therefore, this thesis seeks to explore Fo Guang Shan donors' behavior through quantitative research methods and reduction analysis of donation behavior. It is hoped that this research can provide more concrete references to the following businesses of Fo Guang Shan in order to maintain long-term development and more efficient operation. |